“They don’t speak English! George Conway Criticizes Media for Ignoring Trump’s Increasing Speech Errors”They don’t speak English!

 “They don’t speak English! George Conway Criticizes Media for Ignoring Trump’s Increasing Speech Errors”They don’t speak English!

Michael Brochstein/Sipa USA

Donald Trump is increasingly showing signs of “aphasia every day,” yet the focus of mainstream media remains on President Joe Biden, argues George Conway, a conservative attorney and outspoken critic of the former president. Conway, who initially supported Trump’s political endeavors, has since become one of his most vocal detractors. His comments followed an incident at a Trump rally where the former president struggled with his speech while discussing Biden’s border policies, told Raw Story.

During the rally, Trump attempted to criticize the language skills of immigrants, asserting that they do not “speak English” while being taught in American classrooms. He stumbled over his words, adding, “And it will be Biden’s,” before his speech became slurred and he corrected himself to say, “Biden’s border invasion…”

“They don’t speak English!” Trump said at his New Jersey rally, referring to migrant children. “They’re sitting in chairs, listening to a teacher talk in English, and they don’t speak English. And it will be Biden’s,” Trump added before slurring his words. He then self-corrected, and said, “Biden’s border invasion…”

“More aphasia every day, as many mental health professionals have continually been pointing out. But hey, MSM, let’s talk about Robert Hur’s report some more,” he wrote on Sunday. “C’mon guys, do you really think this is normal? And how much coverage would you be giving to Joe Biden if he slurred gibberish like this?” “Oh, looky, he’s doing this while reading from a telepromptisherathingamajigacovfefe …. Come on, folks, do your jobs,” the lawyer added.

This slip was quickly picked up and highlighted by a social media account associated with Biden’s campaign, which mockingly transcribed Trump’s muddled speech as: “Trump: They don’t speak English! Biden’s bordeninriviv.” This portrayal of Trump’s speech error was shared widely, sparking further commentary and criticism.

Conway seized this moment to criticize the media’s coverage of the presidential candidates, suggesting a double standard in how Trump and Biden’s verbal missteps are reported. He expressed frustration over the media’s apparent reluctance to focus on Trump’s frequent linguistic errors, questioning the normalcy of such occurrences and the implications for Trump’s mental health, which he noted has been a point of discussion among mental health professionals.

He also pointed out that Trump’s difficulty with speech was not isolated to unscripted moments but also occurred while he was reading from a teleprompter, sarcastically referring to it as a “telepromptisherathingamajigacovfefe” in a nod to another infamous Trump gaffe. Conway’s critique extended to a broader call for the media to fulfill their role in scrutinizing public figures, implying that the coverage would be more intense and perhaps less forgiving if Biden were to make similar errors.

Additionally, the rally provided more fodder for online commentators as Trump struggled with another sentence, leading to further mockery. This series of speech-related issues at Trump’s rally underscores ongoing concerns about his communication abilities and the perceived media bias in reporting on such matters, highlighting a contentious issue as the political landscape heats up.

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