Former Trump Advisers Kudlow and Conway Urge Trump to Refocus: ‘Less Insults, More Insights’

 Former Trump Advisers Kudlow and Conway Urge Trump to Refocus: ‘Less Insults, More Insights’

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Two of Donald Trump’s former advisers, Fox Business host Larry Kudlow and political strategist Kellyanne Conway, expressed their concerns on Monday about the direction of Trump’s current campaign. Both are watching from the sidelines and are clearly troubled by what they see.

During his show, Kudlow delivered a pointed message, urging Trump to avoid straying off course. “Don’t wander off. Don’t call her stupid and all kinds of names,” Kudlow said, referencing Trump’s tendency to use personal attacks. He emphasized the need for Trump to “stay on message,” though he stopped short of specifying what that message should be, reports Mediaite.

Kellyanne Conway, who played a pivotal role in Trump’s 2016 victory, also weighed in, offering what she sees as a clear path to success. Conway claimed there’s a “winning formula” for Trump, and described it as “plain to see.” Her advice to Trump was simple: “Less insults, more insights.”

Conway noted that she’s detected a familiar “hunger swagger” in Trump, reminiscent of his 2016 campaign when he was considered an underdog and often underestimated by opponents and analysts alike. Despite this renewed energy, Conway suggested that Trump’s focus should shift away from insults and more toward substantive insights if he hopes to regain his footing as his poll numbers continue to decline.

Both Kudlow and Conway’s comments highlight the challenges Trump faces as he navigates his current campaign, suggesting that a return to discipline and focus could be key to revitalizing his chances. Their shared concern underscores the importance of strategy and messaging in the face of fluctuating poll numbers and growing competition.

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