“A Place of Romantic Evenings and Ethics Inquiries” Rep. Ronny Jackson Accused of Misusing Campaign Funds

 “A Place of Romantic Evenings and Ethics Inquiries” Rep. Ronny Jackson Accused of Misusing Campaign Funds

© Joshua Roberts/Reuters

Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-TX), once the White House physician for both Presidents Donald Trump and Barack Obama, is under scrutiny for potentially violating Congress ethics laws. A recent report by the Office of Congressional Ethics (OCE), initially covered by MyHighPlains, alleges that Jackson used campaign funds to purchase a membership at a private dining club, raising questions about the proper use of campaign money.

According to the document released by the OCE, there is “substantial reason to believe that Rep. Jackson converted campaign funds from Texans for Ronny Jackson to personal use or Rep. Jackson’s campaign committee expended funds that were not attributable to bona fide campaign or political purposes.” This investigation highlights Jackson’s patronage at The Amarillo Club, a prestigious establishment known since 1947 as a venue for “romantic evenings, life event celebrations, business meetings, special receptions, and much more.”

The ethics committee pointed out that Jackson “declined to interview or provide any additional documents or testimony,” and in a new twist, the Amarillo Club also refused to submit documents to the committee. This lack of cooperation has only intensified the scrutiny of Jackson’s actions.

Between October 2020 and September 2021, Jackson reportedly made payments for access to the club, which could put him at odds with House rules and federal law. The club membership included access to “dining rooms, gym, banquet and meeting rooms, club events,” as reported by Salon, features that underscore the personal benefits received.

Despite being aware of the OCE’s December 2021 referral which questioned his campaign expenditures, Jackson allegedly continued to use campaign funds for his club dues. The ethics office defines personal use as “any use of funds in a campaign account of a present or former candidate to fulfill a commitment, obligation or expense of any person that would exist irrespective of the candidate’s campaign or duties as a Federal officeholder.”

In a related but separate controversy, Jackson recently made headlines by demanding President Biden take a “clinically validated drug test” before the upcoming presidential debate against Donald Trump on June 27 in Atlanta. Jackson plans to send a formal request to President Biden’s physician and cabinet, stating, “It’s embarrassing that I have to do this.” As these ethical and political dramas unfold, Rep. Ronny Jackson remains at the center of a complex intersection of personal actions and public responsibilities.

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