Lay a Brick Paver Patio

 Lay a Brick Paver Patio

lay a brick paver patioLaying a brick paver patio is though a tough job but you can lay it with some simple rules given here under do it yourself that will be more durable and inexpensive.

Follow step by step guide to lay a brick paver patio and make your task easier.. Also read here How to Paint Walls in Stripes.

1-      Prepare Base

First select the area where you want to lay the brick paver patio. Locate and mark the outline and then set stakes at four corners. Now excavate the area to a depth of about 8 inches. After excavation spread gravel over entire area and rake it down. Now by using a power or hand tamper tamp it down to the level surface.

Prepare Base

2-      Install Edging

After tamping down the surface when it is assured to be compact and solid, measure the plastic paver edging and then to save pavers, cut it into the required length.

Now it’s time to lay the edging along the outside border of the patio. By hammering 12” spikes, secure the place by edging into the ground.

Install Edging

3-       Add Sand

You must have the edging to a depth of 1” to add the sand. After having it, add the sand over the entire area. Use a rake to spread the sand evenly and then level the surface. Use a horizontal 2×4 to smooth the sand.

Add Sand

4-      Lay Pavers

Now the time to lay the paver has arrived. Begin laying the brick paver by starting at the edging. Go on taping the paver in place by using a rubber mallet and continue laying paver by following any pattern. Make sure the area is filled completely. There also occur some irregular areas during paving, use a cold chisel and a hammer to cut them to size.

Lay Pavers

5-      Fill Joints

Now in the end spread a thin layer of sand over whole patio. Using a push broom, work on the gaps between pavers. Spray some water over patio to settle the sand into gaps. Keep on repeating the process till the sand fills into the gaps. Finally run a tamper over the brick patio to set the bricks in place.

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