Trump Leaves Open Question on Accepting 2024 Election Results: “We’ll See”

 Trump Leaves Open Question on Accepting 2024 Election Results: “We’ll See”


In an interview with CBS News’ Caitlin Huey-Burns on Monday, the opening day of the 2024 Democratic National Convention, former President Donald Trump was asked whether he would accept the election results if Vice President Kamala Harris defeats him in November. Trump’s response hinted at his ongoing skepticism about the electoral process.

“I think things have been done over the last four-year period that will make this a free and fair election,” Trump told Huey-Burns. “And certainly if, for some reason, I lose — and I think if I lose, this country will go into a tailspin, the likes of which it’s never seen before, the likes of 1929.” His refusal to commit unequivocally to accepting the results has sparked fresh concerns about potential turmoil if Harris wins.

Hafiz Rashid of The New Republic highlighted Trump’s response as another example of his reluctance to pledge that he would view the election as legitimate if he loses. “Trump’s comments were quickly picked up and posted by Kamala Harris’ campaign to show that the man who famously instigated the ‘Stop the Steal’ movement and the January 6 Capitol riots hasn’t changed much at all,” Rashid noted.

Trump’s history of casting doubt on election outcomes resurfaced during his debate with President Biden, where he dodged questions about accepting the 2024 results, even when pressed multiple times. Rashid further warned that Trump and his allies seem poised to create significant disruptions if Harris emerges victorious.

“The former president and convicted felon’s cronies are making moves to undermine and even sabotage November’s election in Republicans’ favor,” Rashid wrote. He pointed to efforts by Trump supporters who hold election-related positions in key states like Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania, suggesting they may be looking to Trump for guidance on how to handle the election results.

With less than three months until the election, Rashid emphasized the importance of vigilance among those committed to protecting democracy. “Supporters of democracy will have to be vigilant to ensure that the results are free and fair,” he concluded. As the election draws closer, Trump’s comments serve as a reminder of the high stakes and the potential for a contested result, raising the specter of uncertainty in the nation’s democratic process.

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