Conservative Urges Republicans Opposing Trump to Support Biden

 Conservative Urges Republicans Opposing Trump to Support Biden

(AP Photo/Alex Brandon)

In a recent commentary, a prominent conservative voice raised a compelling argument that may prompt a shift in the traditional voting patterns of some Republicans, particularly in their stance towards former President Donald Trump.

The commentator in question, Mona Charen, who has a background as a staffer in the Reagan White House and is currently a columnist for The Bulwark, has publicly criticized another veteran of the Reagan era for expressing dissatisfaction with the electoral choices available this year, Raw Story reported.

Charen’s critique goes beyond mere disapproval; she boldly suggests that devout conservatives should seriously reconsider their allegiance to Trump, advocating instead for support towards a third-party candidate, or more radically, a switch to support Democrat President Joe Biden.

“The world might look very different if traditional Republicans had been willing to stand firm for their values when they came under assault from an ignorant, cruel demagogue,” Charen wrote. “So I was briefly optimistic when I saw that an honest-to-goodness Reaganite, John Lehman, who served as secretary of the Navy under Reagan, had weighed in [with a Wall Street Journal op-ed]. The headline was promising: ‘Reagan Would Never Vote for Trump.’ But after that bold beginning, the subhead was deflating: ‘He also didn’t care much for Biden. Like me, he’d be looking for a strong third-party candidate to support,” Charen continued.

Charen’s contention is not made lightly. She acknowledges the longstanding grievances that many conservatives, including those from the Reagan era, have held against Biden. These grievances stem from Biden’s historical opposition to the Supreme Court nomination of Robert Bork—a move that rankled many in the conservative camp during the 1980s—as well as his advocacy for a nuclear freeze, a stance at odds with the prevailing conservative doctrine of the time.

However, Charen finds it bewildering that despite these past conflicts, there seems to be a reluctance to support Biden, who, in her view, stands as the most viable contender against Trump’s bid to disrupt the constitutional and democratic fabric of the nation.

Charen’s argument extends beyond mere political strategy; it touches on a moral imperative that she believes should guide the decision-making of Republicans in this crucial election. Drawing on the sentiments expressed by Dick Cheney, who has characterized Trump as an unprecedented threat to the American republic in its over two-century history, Charen implores her fellow conservatives to reassess their priorities.

She criticizes the tendency to treat voting as an exercise in maintaining ideological purity or preserving one’s conservative credentials, arguing that such an approach is myopic and overlooks the broader implications of a potential Trump reelection.

The stakes, as Charen outlines, are not just political but existential for the values and institutions that define the American republic. She warns of the dire consequences that could ensue from Trump’s return to power, including the undermining of cherished freedoms and the erosion of democratic traditions.

Charen is particularly alarmed by Trump’s promises, which include pardoning individuals involved in the January 6 insurrection, targeting his critics with imprisonment, and fostering an alliance with Russia. These actions, she argues, represent a clear and present danger to the nation’s democratic framework.

In framing her argument, Charen seeks to galvanize a sense of urgency among Republicans, urging them to make a decisive choice in the face of an election that could significantly alter the course of American democracy. She posits that a reelected Biden would ensure the stability and security of the nation, contrasting starkly with the tumultuous and potentially authoritarian trajectory that a Trump victory could herald.

For Charen, the decision is not just about political affiliation or loyalty to conservative principles; it is about safeguarding the foundational values and institutions that underpin American democracy.

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