Prince William to break years-old royal tradition with major move, Claims Royal Expert

 Prince William to break years-old royal tradition with major move, Claims Royal Expert

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Prince William is poised to break with years-old traditions when he eventually takes over the monarchy from his father, King Charles, according to royal expert and commentator Angela Levin.

In an interview with GB News, Levin discussed the significant changes she anticipates under William’s reign, emphasizing his modern approach to royal duties and family life. One notable change is William’s stance on his son, Prince George, and his military service.

When asked if George, who is second in line to the British throne, would follow the tradition of serving in the armed forces, Levin responded, “This is very interesting because Prince William doesn’t necessarily want George to do that. He doesn’t feel it’s necessary.” She added, “It’s such a stamp on the Royal Family. They’re the head of the army, so what would they do without that? I find it very difficult.”

Levin also highlighted differences in religious commitment between William and his father, King Charles. “He’s not religious. He does go once or twice a year,” she noted. “But he doesn’t have the same passion that Charles does. I think it could be a very changed Royal Family.”

The expert’s comments suggest that William’s reign could usher in a new era for the monarchy, one that is potentially less bound by traditional expectations and more reflective of contemporary values.

William’s approach to his son’s potential military service and his own religious practices indicate a shift towards a more modern and perhaps more flexible monarchy. This perspective aligns with the evolving role of the royal family in a rapidly changing world.

Levin’s insights offer a glimpse into the future of the British monarchy, hinting at a leadership style that prioritizes personal choice and modern relevance over longstanding conventions. As William prepares for his future role, his decisions will likely continue to shape and redefine what it means to be a modern monarch.

These anticipated changes under William’s future reign reflect a broader trend within the royal family to adapt and remain relevant in the 21st century. By potentially breaking with certain traditions, William could pave the way for a more relatable and progressive royal family, aligning with the expectations and values of younger generations.

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