Prince Harry May Reconcile with Family and Resume Minor Duties, Says Royal Expert

 Prince Harry May Reconcile with Family and Resume Minor Duties, Says Royal Expert

(Reuters, AP)

Royal expert Michael Cole suggests that Harry’s recent actions signal a desire to mend relationships with his family and potentially return to performing “minor royal duties” after reconciling with Charles and William. Speaking to GB News, Cole noted that Harry, the Duke of Sussex, “wants to improve his image on this side of the Atlantic so that he can come here more often.”

Cole elaborated, saying, “Apparently, he even has thoughts of performing minor royal duties,” though he added, “I think the chances of that are between slim and none.” Discussing the re-release of Harry’s explosive memoir, Cole pointed out that the decision not to update the book or promote it further indicates Harry’s desperation to end the rift with his family. “I think the contract obviously included a paperback edition, but he hasn’t added new chapters or written a preface or afterword to increase and renew the anguish which he has caused his family by these revelations,” Cole explained.

Cole described this move as “a bit of a peace feeler” and “a bit of a token,” suggesting that it may be Harry’s way of saying, “I’m very sorry – I would like to be forgiven a bit.” The expert also reflected on how Harry “could have been such a great asset along with his wife,” lamenting the lost potential due to the ongoing rift.

These developments come amid speculation that Harry may be seeking forgiveness and considering a return to the royal fold, following the turmoil caused by the revelations in his memoir. Whether this apology will lead to a true reconciliation remains to be seen, but it appears that Harry is making some effort to repair his strained relationships with the Royal Family.

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