8 Things Husbands Secretly Wish Their Wives Would Do For Them

 8 Things Husbands Secretly Wish Their Wives Would Do For Them

How would you define a happy married life? Is it about being dedicated and devoted to your spouse, or doing household chores together and living happily with your kids, or sharing mutual love and affection? There is no secret to a ‘happy married’ life, because it is no hidden treasure. A couple can easily craft a happy marriage, if they understand each other enough to spend a life together. In most marriages wives are subjected to just doing chores, raising kids, and keeping the family together, and husbands are understood to be the breadwinners. But, that is not an ideal marriage; respecting each other’s expectation throughout is the real trick here. We may have read about thousands of expectations that wives have from their husbands. But, its time that husbands now get to speak out some of the secret wishes that they want their wives to fulfil.

1. A little encouragement

8 Things Husbands Secretly Wish Their Wives Would Do For Them

While he works all day to earn a living and give you a superb lifestyle, there are times when he feels weak, stressed out and burdened at work. He may not express it to you always, but if you are an observant wife, you will notice the signs. Constant encouragement from you will do him good as you are the only person whose approval matters to him.

2. A lot of sex

8 Things Husbands Secretly Wish Their Wives Would Do For Them

When we say that, we do not mean that you should be available to satisfy his needs at any given point of the day. What we mean by this is that in a marriage, over a period of time, somewhere down the line woman start losing interest in their sexual life as they get caught up in other things, such as managing their home, going to work, handling the kids, etc. And all this leaves them exhausted, and so the spark between the two partners begins to slowly fade away. Try not to let that happen. Re-create the days you had when you were newly married. Role play, go for weekend outings, reignite the spark and this time, you make the first move before he does!

3. A positive attitude

8 Things Husbands Secretly Wish Their Wives Would Do For Them

Most women are stronger then men, when it comes to carrying a positive attitude, when they need to encourage their kids, face a struggle in life, or save their family from disheveling. What your husband desire is that you give him a boost as well from time to time. Just make sure you keep the mood in the house happy and light.

4. Reigniting sense of companionship

8 Things Husbands Secretly Wish Their Wives Would Do For Them

Most couples often work around to have their individual space within marriage, to do their own things. It is the most healthiest thing in a marriage, but sometimes you must try out doing things of each other’s interest. Your husband may not have gone to the supermart with you, or did not help with the laundry last week. But, do you ever take some time off to try out things along with him, like watching a football match or a game of cricket? Maybe accompany him for a golf lesson, or go camping with him on a weekend? Go spend some time with him doing his things, and see him go gaga over you again.

5. A well-maintained and beautiful home

8 Things Husbands Secretly Wish Their Wives Would Do For Them

Taking care of house would not make you his maid. They have grown up seeing their mothers beautifying the house all their lives, and might wish you do the same as this reminds them of their family’s love nest. A clean home spreads out positivity all around. Not only does your husband want that, but it will bring good luck and energy to your house too!

6. Admiration of all sorts

8 Things Husbands Secretly Wish Their Wives Would Do For Them

Men are little boys who refuse to grow up. They need all sorts of pampering and a pat on the back for every job well done. Just because you are a woman and you pamper him would not make you less of a person in any way! And admiration from you would make him strive to do better things too!

7. Loyalty

8 Things Husbands Secretly Wish Their Wives Would Do For Them

We always blame men for being unfaithful or not loyal. But sometimes, it can be the other way round too! Yes ladies, as much as we want them to be loyal to us, they expect the same too. And we often do not think about that, right? Just by showing him your unconditional love in your own little ways, keep him secure of the feeling of jealousy.

8. An attractive wife

8 Things Husbands Secretly Wish Their Wives Would Do For Them

We are not talking about the aesthetic measures to turn beautiful. Remember, the initial time after your marriage, how you kept yourselves prepped up for him. He just desires to see that girl sometime again. Being well-groomed, hitting the gym for a workout, wearing nice clothes and putting on some makeup will not only make your husband drool and lust over you, but it will also bring you back to life. He does not really care whether you look like a supermodel or not, as he loves you too much any way! It will make you feel beautiful, wanted and good about yourself. So, think of this more as a favor you would do for yourself than just fulfilling an expectation of your hubby’s expectation.

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