GOP Donor Blasts Trump’s Embrace of RFK Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard: ‘Is Trump Trying to Lose?’

 GOP Donor Blasts Trump’s Embrace of RFK Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard: ‘Is Trump Trying to Lose?’

(AP Photo/Jose Juarez/Curtis Means/ via AP)

A major Republican donor who initially supported former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley before reluctantly backing former President Donald Trump has issued a scathing statement condemning Trump’s recent decision to align with conspiracy theorist Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI).

In a letter shared by Jewish Insider reporter Matthew Kassel, GOP donor Eric Levine warned Trump that his embrace of such controversial figures could alienate crucial swing voters. “It is hard to imagine a more self-destructive announcement,” Levine stated. “RFK is an anti-vax kook who sees conspiracies behind every tree and under every bed, and Gabbard is the former vice-chair of the DNC and co-chair of the 2016 Bernie Sanders for President campaign.”

Levine did not mince words in his criticism, particularly of Bernie Sanders, whom he described as a “self-avowed socialist” who “hates the America we love and everything it stands for.” Levine added, “There is something terribly wrong with this picture”, told The Daily Beast.

Levine urged Trump to refocus his efforts on winning over voters who supported Nikki Haley, suggesting that he should include her in his transition team rather than seeking the endorsement of “fringe candidates with fringe policy positions that offend most Republicans and Independents.”

The email’s subject line, “Is Trump Trying to Lose?” underscores Levine’s deep concern that Trump’s recent moves may be sabotaging his chances in the upcoming election. Levine’s blunt warning reflects growing unease among some Republican donors and strategists who worry that Trump’s association with figures like RFK Jr. and Gabbard could damage his appeal to mainstream voters, potentially jeopardizing his path to victory. As the election approaches, Trump’s choices and alliances will likely continue to be scrutinized by both supporters and critics within his party.

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