Jamie Raskin Demands Answers from Fossil Fuel Executives Over Trump’s Climate Regulation Promises

 Jamie Raskin Demands Answers from Fossil Fuel Executives Over Trump’s Climate Regulation Promises

(AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)

A leading U.S. House Democrat, Congressman Jamie Raskin, announced on Tuesday that he is demanding explanations from fossil fuel executives after a report by the Washington Post revealed former Republican President Donald Trump recently promised industry leaders he would dismantle climate regulations if they raised $1 billion for his 2024 presidential campaign.

Raskin, the ranking member of the Committee on Oversight and Accountability, wrote to the heads of the American Petroleum Institute (API) and eight energy companies: Cheniere Energy, Chesapeake Energy, Chevron, Continental Resources, EQT Corporation, ExxonMobil, Occidental Petroleum, and Venture Global LNG. In his letter, he highlighted findings from a January Oversight Committee Democrats staff report.

Maryland Congressman Jamie Raskin, ranking member of the Committee on Oversight and Accountability, on Monday, wrote to the heads of the American Petroleum Institute (API) and eight companies: Cheniere Energy, Chesapeake Energy, Chevron, Continental Resources, EQT Corporation, ExxonMobil, Occidental Petroleum, and Venture Global LNG.

The report indicates that Trump, while in office, accepted at least $7.8 million from foreign dignitaries, including those from China and Saudi Arabia, violating the Constitution’s foreign emoluments clause and subsequently offering foreign policy favors to these benefactors. Raskin, a constitutional scholar, has asked the executives to respond to questions and provide documents by May 27.

“Mr. Trump’s unvarnished quid pro quo offer is especially troubling evidence in light of recent accounts that the ‘U.S. oil industry is drawing up ready-to-sign executive orders for Donald Trump aimed at pushing natural gas exports, cutting drilling costs, and increasing offshore oil leases in case he wins a second term,'” he wrote, citing Politico. “These preparatory actions suggest that certain oil and gas companies, which have a track record of using deceitful tactics to undermine effective climate policy, may have already accepted or facilitated Mr. Trump’s explicit corrupt bargain.”

He seeks the names of employees who attended the April 11 fundraiser, copies of materials distributed at the event, descriptions of all policy proposals and related campaign contributions discussed, and any draft executive orders or policy paperwork prepared by the companies.

Raskin explained that the Committee on Oversight and Accountability has the authority to investigate any matter at any time, emphasizing that the requested information is essential for investigating and legislating on issues related to presidential and candidate ethics, particularly regarding Trump’s efforts to profit from the presidency.

Despite the significant implications of these revelations, Media Matters for America’s Allison Fisher noted that major TV news broadcast and cable networks, except for MSNBC, did not cover Trump’s proposal to oil executives during a four-day period. Trump has made his intentions clear, having publicly pledged to expand drilling if he wins against Democratic President Joe Biden in November.

A March analysis suggested that a second Trump term could result in the release of an additional 4 billion tons of carbon dioxide by 2030, equating to the combined annual emissions of the European Union and Japan, compared to a Biden reelection. This is not the first time Raskin has targeted the fossil fuel industry this month. Earlier in May, he testified before the U.S. Senate Budget Committee about a nearly three-year investigation into “Big Oil’s campaign of deception and distraction.”

He asserted that this campaign undermines efforts to mobilize people and government to combat climate change effectively. Raskin warned that unless the industry’s deceptive practices end and it is held accountable, the national political will to address climate change will remain insufficient.

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