Lincoln Project Dares Trump to Sue Amid Legal Threats: “Trump Is a Coward”

 Lincoln Project Dares Trump to Sue Amid Legal Threats: “Trump Is a Coward”


The Lincoln Project’s general counsel, Mario Nicolais, openly challenged former President Donald Trump on Thursday, daring him to follow through on his repeated threats of legal action against the group. Nicolais took to X (formerly Twitter) to taunt Trump, suggesting that the former president is too afraid to take on the organization in court.

“So many lawsuits and @realDonaldTrump is still too chicken to bring one against us @ProjectLincoln because he does not want us to get discovery. Sigh. #TrumpIsACoward,” Nicolais wrote, attaching a graphic detailing Trump-related lawsuits and a summary of the litigation he has been involved in.

The Lincoln Project, founded by former Republican strategists opposed to Trump, has been a thorn in the former president’s side for years. The group is known for trolling Trump with targeted ad buys in areas where he is known to be, often addressing him directly and mocking his campaign. Their efforts have not gone unnoticed, with Trump frequently lashing out at the group, even accusing them at one point of trying to embarrass him using AI-generated videos.

Trump has repeatedly threatened the Lincoln Project with legal action, most recently sending a cease and desist letter over an ad that mocked his campaign’s disarray. The ad quoted unnamed aides complaining about how Trump “looks terrible on camera” and “old.”

In response to the legal threat, the Lincoln Project doubled down on their criticism. Rick Wilson, one of the group’s co-founders, posted a video mocking Trump’s reaction. “The Donald Trump for President campaign hit a bunch of people this afternoon with cease and desist letters because our ads were too mean for little Donnie,” Wilson said in the video. “Poor little baby Donald got upset because our ads were mean to him!”

The video was posted on X along with a caption that continued to poke fun at the former president: “After careful consideration, The Lincoln Project has decided we will not be pulling our ad down as Donald Trump demanded we do. Also, we’ve decided to point and laugh at him while he cries.”

The ongoing feud between Trump and the Lincoln Project has been marked by sharp exchanges and public taunting, but as of now, Trump has yet to follow through on any of his legal threats against the group.

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