“He is Too Incompetent and He is Too Corrupt” Trump Labels Biden as ‘The Worst President’ in US History

 “He is Too Incompetent and He is Too Corrupt” Trump Labels Biden as ‘The Worst President’ in US History

jim bourg-pool/getty

Donald Trump, known for his unreserved style, has again sparked controversy with his latest remarks about President Joe Biden, labeling him as ‘the worst president’ in US history. In a video clip posted on Instagram, Trump dismissed the age criticism directed towards Biden, instead attacking his competence and integrity. “JOE BIDEN IS NOT TOO OLD TO BE PRESIDENT—NOT EVEN CLOSE, BUT HE IS TOO INCOMPETENT AND CORRUPT!”

Trump captioned the video. He continued in the video, “Joe Biden is not too old to be president. I know a lot of people that are older than him and they are at the top of their games. It’s not even close but he is too incompetent and he is too corrupt. He is the worst president in the history of our country. Thank you.”

As per NBC News, The response on social media was immediate and sharply critical, with users quick to highlight Trump’s recent conviction on multiple felony charges. Comments ranged from mocking Trump’s own age and legal troubles to calling out perceived hypocrisy. “Says the old man just convicted of 34 FELONIES,” one user retorted, while another added, “You got some real nerve calling anybody corrupt!!!”

The backdrop to this exchange is fraught with legal and political drama. Following Trump’s conviction on 34 counts of falsifying business records in his New York trial, Biden has been vocal in his criticism of Trump’s actions and rhetoric. Speaking at a campaign event, Biden did not mince words: “For the first time in American history, a former president who is a convicted felon is now seeking the office of the presidency. But as disturbing as that is, more damaging is the all-out assault Donald Trump is making on the American system of justice.”

Biden also addressed Trump’s supporters’ claims about the trial, calling them “reckless, dangerous, and irresponsible.” He further described Trump as “unhinged,” suggesting a psychological break following the 2020 election loss. “Something snapped in this guy for real,” Biden said, indicating the profound impact he believes the election had on Trump.

Meanwhile, a recent ABC News/Ipsos poll indicates significant public concern about Biden’s age, with 86% of Americans considering him too old for re-election. Interestingly, 59% of those polled believe both presidential figures—Biden and Trump—are too old, reflecting broader concerns about age and capability in the highest office.

Despite these criticisms, Biden has demonstrated compliance with legal inquiries, notably in his handling of classified documents, contrasting with Trump’s contentious legal battles. This dynamic continues to fuel an intensely polarized political climate as both figures dominate national discourse.

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