Trump Downplays Injuries of U.S. Troops in 2020 Iran Missile Strike: ‘What Does Injured Mean?’

 Trump Downplays Injuries of U.S. Troops in 2020 Iran Missile Strike: ‘What Does Injured Mean?’


During a campaign event in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, former President Donald Trump dismissed the injuries sustained by U.S. soldiers in a 2020 missile attack by Iran, sparking controversy over his remarks. The attack, which targeted an American military installation in Iraq, occurred in retaliation for the U.S. airstrike that killed Iranian General Qasem Suleimani. Despite over 100 soldiers being injured in the strike, Trump downplayed the severity of the incident when questioned by reporters.

Earlier in the day, Trump reacted to news of recent strikes on Israel by Iran, claiming that such events would never have occurred if he were still president. However, a reporter at the event reminded Trump that Iran had launched similar missile strikes during his presidency, leading to injuries among U.S. troops.

When asked if he should have taken a tougher stance on Iran following the 2020 missile attack, Trump brushed off the severity of the injuries sustained by the soldiers. “So first of all, injured. What does injure mean?” he responded. “You mean because they had a headache? Because the bombs never hit the fort.”

Trump went on to emphasize his administration’s strict stance on Iran, claiming, “There was nobody ever tougher on Iraq. They had no money with me, they would not have made any deal with me. I would have had a deal made within—literally, I would have had a deal made within one week after the election.”

Despite Trump’s dismissive comments, the injuries sustained by U.S. soldiers were far more serious than mere headaches. According to a Pentagon report, 109 troops suffered traumatic brain injuries from the missile strike. Many of these soldiers required extensive medical treatment and long-term care. Still, Trump has consistently downplayed the impact of the attack, repeating the claim that “We suffered no casualties.”

Trump’s remarks in Milwaukee reignited criticism over his handling of the situation at the time, with many pointing out that the injuries inflicted on U.S. forces were significant and should not be minimized. As the 2024 election campaign heats up, Trump’s comments about the military could become a focal point for both his critics and supporters, especially as tensions in the Middle East remain a key issue.

In his effort to portray himself as a strong leader on foreign policy, Trump’s dismissal of the injuries faced by American soldiers has raised questions about his sensitivity toward the sacrifices made by the military. His remarks are likely to be a point of contention as the campaign continues.

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