Trump Claims “Every Right” to Interfere in 2020 Election, Sparking Outrage and Legal Backlash

 Trump Claims “Every Right” to Interfere in 2020 Election, Sparking Outrage and Legal Backlash

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Prosecutors have re-filed charges against former President Donald Trump, accusing him of attempting to interfere in the 2020 presidential election. In a recent interview on Fox News’ Life, Liberty, and Levin, Trump defended his actions, asserting that he had “every right” to interfere in the election process.

His remarks quickly went viral, prompting strong reactions from legal experts and social media users, who called on the U.S. Justice Department and Special Counsel Jack Smith to take action. Federal prosecutor Joyce Vance was among those who condemned Trump’s statement, declaring, “There’s no right to ‘interfere’ with a presidential election.

This is the banality of evil right here—Trump asserting he can override the will of the voters to claim victory in an election he lost. And, he will do it again. We must vote against him in overwhelming numbers.” Psychologist Dr. David A. Lustig also weighed in, commenting, “We’re now at that remarkable point where Trump’s sociopathic narcissism is working synergistically with his advancing dementia, leaving us with an incredibly nasty, malevolent, and Machiavellian bowl of oatmeal.”

Another attorney added, “No one has the right to interfere with an election. Either 1) Trump believes his lies, or 2) Trump is old and delusional. Either way, he is unfit to be president.” The sentiment was echoed across social media, with one user asking, “Isn’t there a procedure where the prosecutor can simply request that the judge make a summary judgment because the evidence is so overwhelming?” Another comment read, “You do not, in fact, have the right to interfere with a presidential election.

Also, can we skip all the trials about this, please, and move straight to sentencing? He just confessed.” During the interview, Trump marveled at the surge in his poll numbers following his indictments, stating, “Who ever heard, you get indicted for interfering in a presidential election where you have every right to do it, you get indicted and your poll numbers go up? When people get indicted, their poll numbers go down,” as reported by Raw Story.

The indictment against Trump was updated after a Supreme Court ruling clarified that presidents are immune from prosecution only for official duties, not private actions. While Trump argued that his actions were official, prosecutors contend that he was acting as a private citizen. In the same interview, Trump also criticized Vice President Kamala Harris, warning that her presidency would lead to the elimination of fracking in key battleground states like Pennsylvania.

“I call her comrade Kamala because she is radical Left. She’s a radical Left Marxist. And that’s what she is. And she’ll destroy our country. There’s not going to be any fracking in Pennsylvania,” he claimed, as reported by Fox News. Trump further accused Harris of “viciousness and violence” in her political career, particularly in her opposition to Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation.

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