“Thanks, I Guess” Biden Camp Reacts to Trump’s Leaked Debate Talking Points

 “Thanks, I Guess” Biden Camp Reacts to Trump’s Leaked Debate Talking Points

(Getty Images; Reuters)

Hours before a much-anticipated debate rematch between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump, the Biden campaign received an unexpected boon: a list of Trump’s debate talking points.

In a post on Truth Social Thursday, Trump shared a photo that seems to reveal the questions he might be asked and his prepared responses.

“Mr. President, I am sure that a climate question will come up during your debate this week and I suggest the following talking points,” reads the screengrab, attributed to Andrew Wheeler, former U.S. Environmental Protection Agency administrator, told HuffPost.

The screenshot apparently outlines Trump’s planned response. “Under my Administration, CO2 emissions went down, and at the same time we became more American energy dominant which helps Americans at the gas pump and with their electricity bills.” The former president is then instructed to say, “We can do both. Biden just increased the energy costs for everyone.”

Trump is advised to mention Biden’s decision to rejoin the Paris Climate Accord, claiming the agreement sends American dollars overseas to places like China. He is to argue that everyone is buying Chinese solar panels instead of American energy.

Trump is to reinforce that if re-elected, he would continue to reduce carbon dioxide emissions and focus on domestically produced energy. The screenshot also includes a potential rebuttal. If Biden, the media, or others challenge his claims, Trump is to point out how Biden is shutting down U.S. energy by “canceling pipelines, stopping federal leases.”

“We still need the energy. That means we are importing more energy from countries that aren’t our friends. When you transport gas halfway around the world, it means more CO2 emissions.” The Biden campaign quickly noticed the leak.

“Donald Trump is just posting his debate talking points. Thanks, I guess,” Ammar Moussa, rapid response director for the Biden campaign, chortled in a post on X, formerly known as Twitter.

Moussa also retweeted Matt Compton, who noted that Wheeler is “the coal lobbyist Trump put in charge of the EPA.”

“A highly credible voice on carbon pollution,” Compton wrote sarcastically. The internet wasted no time mocking Trump’s pre-debate move. “Clearly a mistake. He thought those were nuclear secrets,” retorted @WaldoWilbur. “The reason CO2 went down was because Trump failed to save the coal industry,” replied @citizenfisher.

“Already lying and he ain’t even hit the damn debate stage yet,” wrote @FactsIsFacts46. “Notice it is in elementary style writing. A dumbed-down version” said @sweetiepeas13.

The leak of Trump’s talking points has not only given the Biden campaign a potential edge but also provided ample fodder for online ridicule and skepticism about Trump’s preparedness for the debate. As the two candidates prepare to face off, this incident has already set the tone for a contentious and closely watched event.

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