“Donald Trump is a Scab!”: UAW President Shawn Fain Rallies for Kamala Harris

 “Donald Trump is a Scab!”: UAW President Shawn Fain Rallies for Kamala Harris

REUTERS/Rebecca Cook/File Photo

United Auto Workers President Shawn Fain delivered a powerful speech at a rally for Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris, sharply criticizing Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump. The crowd in Detroit erupted into chants of “He’s a scab!” in response.

Fain, representing over 1 million auto workers, began by addressing the enthusiastic crowd with a clear message: the election hinges on one critical question, “Which side are you on?” “This is a simple question because, on one side, you got a billionaire that serves himself and his billionaire buddies,” Fain declared, prompting boos from the audience. “He lies, he cheats and he steals his way to the top. He’s a lap dog for the billionaire class!”

As the crowd expressed their disapproval of Trump, Fain shifted to praising Harris. He described her as a “strong” and “intelligent” leader, and emphatically added, “And I’m just going to put it bluntly — a bada– woman!” This remark drew cheers from the audience, told Yahoo.

Fain lauded Harris for her stance against corporate greed and her focus on people rather than self-interest. He also commended her selection of Minnesota Governor Tim Walz as her running mate, calling him a “working class guy” and a “proud union member” who always prioritizes the working class.

He referred to the Harris-Walz ticket as the “dynamic duo for democracy” and sharply criticized the Trump-Vance ticket. “Donald Trump is a scab!” he shouted, likening Trump to workers who cross picket lines. The crowd enthusiastically chanted “He’s a scab!” in unison.

Fain continued his critique by labeling J.D. Vance as a “vulture” and accusing Trump of betraying the auto workers union and the working class. “He comes to Michigan. He talks about, he’s going to ‘bring back the auto industry.’ Let me tell you something,” Fain paused for effect, “Donald Trump doesn’t know s— about the auto industry!” This statement brought another round of applause.

“And he doesn’t give a d— about the working class in this country!” Fain added, drawing more cheers. Fain concluded his fiery speech with a final jab at Trump, saying, “Donald Trump is bought and paid for by the billionaire class!” The rallygoers responded with resounding support, energized by Fain’s passionate defense of the working class and his endorsement of Harris and Walz.

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