QAnon Shaman Wins Legal Battle as Judge Orders Return of Iconic Horns and Spear

 QAnon Shaman Wins Legal Battle as Judge Orders Return of Iconic Horns and Spear

(Photo by Robert Nickelsberg/Getty Images)Robert Nickelsberg/Getty Images

The Qanon Shaman, Jacob Anthony Chansley, can have his horns and spear back, a federal judge ruled on Monday. Chansley, known for his distinctive attire during the storming of the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021, successfully petitioned the government to return the accessories he carried in his attempt to overturn the 2020 presidential election.

Judge Royce Lamberth wrote in his ruling, “He stood out to the entire world because of his ‘unmistakable outfit’ of ‘a horned coyote-tail headdress; red, white, and blue face paint; gloves; and no shirt.’ In addition, he had armed himself with a serious weapon: a six-foot pole with an American flag zip-tied to the shaft and a metal spearhead fixed to the top.'”

Lamberth decided that since Chansley has served his prison sentence and formally requested the return of his property, he is entitled to have it back. The court records indicate that the government initially wanted to retain the items as evidence in case Chansley appealed his verdict or if civil litigation was initiated.

However, Lamberth questioned the necessity of holding onto the items, especially since Chansley had already served his time and there had been no civil action taken. “Since the government has not established that it still needs these items as evidence and has not sought their forfeiture, the Court will GRANT Mr. Chansley’s motion,” Lamberth wrote.

Chansley was sentenced to 41 months in prison in November 2021 after pleading guilty to obstructing Congress. Despite his controversial role in the Capitol riot, Chansley attempted to run for political office in Arizona this year. His bid was unsuccessful as he failed to gather the required number of signatures, a fact he lamented to Salon over Chipotle burrito bowls. Chansley also expressed his frustration to Salon about the temporary loss of his iconic horns, which have now been ordered to be returned to him.

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