Ocasio-Cortez Criticizes ‘Senior Democrat’ for Resignation to Trump Presidency ‘You Should Absolutely Retire’

 Ocasio-Cortez Criticizes ‘Senior Democrat’ for Resignation to Trump Presidency ‘You Should Absolutely Retire’

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez / PHOTO: dimitrimr (CC)

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) on Sunday sharply criticized an anonymous “senior Democrat” who was quoted as saying the party was “resigned” to another four years under former President Trump.

In a post on the social platform X, Ocasio-Cortez urged Democratic members who feel that way to “absolutely retire” from their positions in Congress. “If you’re a ‘senior Democrat’ that feels this way, you should absolutely retire and make space for true leadership that refuses to resign themselves to fascism,” she wrote. “This kind of leadership is functionally useless to the American people. Retire.”

Ocasio-Cortez’s comments were in response to a report from Axios highlighting a shift among Democrats, who are now focusing more on their staff’s personal safety rather than on President Biden’s standing as the party’s presidential nominee. The report quoted a senior House Democrat saying, “We’ve all resigned ourselves to a second Trump presidency.”

Both Democrats and Republicans have largely signaled an effort to strike a unified tone in the wake of the assassination attempt on Trump’s life. The Biden campaign has paused political activities, even taking down political advertising for the time being.

Ocasio-Cortez’s sharp rebuke underscores the tensions within the Democratic Party as they navigate the political landscape following the violent incident. Her call for a change in leadership reflects a broader frustration among progressive members who seek a more determined and proactive stance against the possibility of another Trump presidency.

As the party grapples with these internal dynamics, the focus on personal safety and unity becomes paramount. The Biden campaign’s temporary halt in political activity serves as a reminder of the volatile environment and the need for cohesive and resolute leadership moving forward.

In these challenging times, Ocasio-Cortez’s message resonates with a faction of the party that demands unwavering opposition to Trump and a commitment to robust and effective leadership. The coming months will reveal how these internal debates shape the Democratic Party’s strategy and unity in the face of significant political challenges.

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