“Who are you dreading Trump picking” Nikki Haley’s Potential as VP Pick Worries Democrats

 “Who are you dreading Trump picking” Nikki Haley’s Potential as VP Pick Worries Democrats

Photo by (CNN)

The race to become former President Donald Trump’s vice presidential candidate is heating up, with speculation and strategic considerations running high. Among the contenders, one name stands out as a potential game-changer that could give Democrats sleepless nights.

During a panel discussion on CNN’s “The Lead,” host Jake Tapper directly asked Meghan Hays, a former special assistant to President Joe Biden, about which candidate would most impact the upcoming November election.

“Who are you dreading Trump picking, like as someone who wants Biden to win — would like — would Nikki Haley worry you?” Tapper inquired.

“I mean, that [pick] really attracts her voters,” Hays responded. “These people that voted for her, that [Trump’s] having such a hard time getting, to your point, there’s a real deficit of people that he needs to attract and I don’t think any of the people that have been out there really do it for him and really bring those other groups of people.”

Hays emphasized Haley’s potential impact, stating, “But I do think Nikki Haley’s probably the person that Democrats would dread the most.”

Haley, the former UN Ambassador, and Trump were fierce rivals during the Republican primary. However, her eventual endorsement of Trump opened the door for her potential role in a second Trump presidency. Haley checks many boxes for Trump’s third run for the presidency, making her a formidable vice-presidential candidate.

The intrigue over who Trump will select as his running mate has been widespread. Trump, always the showman, plans to reveal his choice during the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee next month.

“…I think [it] will probably get announced during the convention,” Trump said in a recent Fox News interview. “There were some good people and, we have some very good people.”

During his first campaign, Trump selected moderate Republican Mike Pence. However, the current list of potential candidates includes various figures from the MAGA movement. Early frontrunners like Sen. Katie Britt (R-AL) and South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem have seen their prospects diminish.

Viable picks now include MAGA stalwarts such as North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum, Dr. Ben Carson, Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC), Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY), Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH), and Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL).

Republican strategist Shermichael Singleton is particularly enthusiastic about Carson, the retired neurosurgeon and former housing secretary in the Trump administration. “That is my guy, Jake,” Singleton said. However, if Carson is not chosen, Singleton expressed support for Sen. Tim Scott.

As Trump deliberates on his choice, the potential impact of his vice-presidential pick remains a critical factor in the 2024 election landscape. Nikki Haley, with her ability to attract a broad voter base, appears to be a candidate who could significantly alter the dynamics of the race.

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