Melania’s ‘Personal Milestone’ is Just That, Only for Melania Trump, Says Former Friend

 Melania’s ‘Personal Milestone’ is Just That, Only for Melania Trump, Says Former Friend

(Credit: Reuters)

Melania Trump celebrated what she described as a “personal milestone” on Sunday, marking the anniversary of her becoming a United States citizen. However, her former friend and advisor, Stephanie Winston Wolkoff, was quick to highlight how Donald Trump’s potential return to the presidency could undermine such achievements for others.

The former First Lady took to social media to commemorate her citizenship anniversary. “Becoming an American citizen is an achievement that inspired my ongoing commitment to this great nation,” Melania shared. “Today marks the 18th anniversary of this personal milestone.”

Melania also referred to a 2023 statement, reflecting on her journey from Slovenia to the United States. “I was born and raised in the picturesque country of Slovenia, where my parents taught me the importance of a strong work ethic and pursuing my dreams. The values they instilled in me at an early age inspired my fashion and modeling career and brought me to beautiful cities like Paris and Milan,” she stated.

Stephanie Winston Wolkoff, who released text messages from Melania earlier this year and served as an advisor during Donald Trump’s presidency, responded sharply to Melania’s celebration. “Melania’s ‘Personal Milestone’ is JUST that, only for MELANIA TRUMP!” Wolkoff commented. “Melania became a US citizen on 7/28/2006 AFTER Barron was born on 3/20/2006.”

Wolkoff pointed out the disparity between Melania’s personal achievements and Donald Trump’s political stance on citizenship for children born in the U.S. to parents without legal status. “For EVERYONE ELSE, Trump said he’d end the long-standing CONSTITUTIONAL Right & he’d sign an executive order that ‘ENSURES children born to parents who do not have legal status in the U.S. will NOT BE CONSIDERED U.S. Citizens,’” Wolkoff added.

To support her point, Wolkoff attached a recent news article detailing the potential litigation that would arise if Trump were to implement such a policy. Melania’s celebration of her citizenship anniversary juxtaposed with the controversy surrounding her husband’s political agenda underscores the complex dynamics of their public and personal lives. As Melania proudly marks her achievement, the implications of Trump’s policies continue to provoke debate and highlight the ongoing tension between personal milestones and public policy.

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