Megyn Kelly Sparks Controversy with Response to Trump’s Alleged Comments About Kamala Harris

 Megyn Kelly Sparks Controversy with Response to Trump’s Alleged Comments About Kamala Harris

Jim Watson | AFP | Getty Images

On Saturday, journalist Megyn Kelly drew significant attention after commenting on an Axios article that claimed former President Donald Trump had repeatedly referred to Vice President Kamala Harris as a ‘bitch’ in private conversations. Kelly took to X, formerly known as Twitter, to share her thoughts, writing, “She calls him a criminal sexual predator fraudster so I’m pretty sure none of us care.”

Her remark quickly ignited a flurry of online reactions, with many criticizing her response as dismissive and insensitive. One user on X countered Kelly’s sentiment, stating, “I guess I’m in the minority but I do care Megyn. And for the record, her statements have been proven to be factually correct. Remind me, what network are you now on? #TrumpIsWeird.”

Another user, referencing a 2015 incident where Trump made a controversial remark about Kelly, added, “Why is Megyn Kelly, who has experienced Trump’s misogynistic behavior firsthand, now defending his crimes and his sexist treatment of Kamala Harris?” The backlash continued, with another commenter questioning Kelly’s apparent change in stance: “It feels like Trump has something on you. Did you love him when he talked about you ‘bleeding out of your whatever’?”

This reference harks back to the infamous CNN call-in interview where Trump lashed out at Kelly following a Fox News debate. During that interview,  As reported by Time magazine, Trump criticized Kelly’s debate questions, saying, “You know, you could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever.”

Kelly’s tweet came shortly after The New York Times reported that Trump had been privately using sexist and vulgar language to describe Harris. This revelation has sparked widespread outrage, with many analysts arguing that such behavior could alienate a crucial voter demographic. Keith Boykin, a former advisor to Bill Clinton, commented, “Trump called Kamala Harris ‘a bitch,’ the New York Times reported today. Pretty sure that language is not going to help him win more women voters.”

Jennifer Horn, co-founder of the anti-Trump group The Lincoln Project, also weighed in, emphasizing the potential electoral consequences. “Any presidential candidate must win a coalition of diverse support to win… gender, ethnicity, socio-economic, etc. I wonder what the 44% of women who voted for Trump in 2020 think about him calling the first woman Vice President a ‘f**ing btch,'” she remarked.

The incident underscores the ongoing tensions surrounding Trump’s rhetoric and the reactions it provokes, particularly from those who have experienced his abrasive style firsthand. Kelly’s response has only added to the heated debate, highlighting the complex dynamics at play in the current political landscape.

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