Mary Trump Slams Uncle Donald’s Arlington Visit: ‘A Desecration and Disgrace’

 Mary Trump Slams Uncle Donald’s Arlington Visit: ‘A Desecration and Disgrace’


Donald Trump’s outspoken niece, Mary Trump, harshly criticized her uncle on Tuesday night, calling his appearance at Arlington National Cemetery on Monday “galling.” In her newsletter, The Good In Us, Mary Trump reflected on the Trump family’s history with military service, noting that her father was an exception in the family. He served in the Air Force National Guard, while Donald Trump received four deferments during the Vietnam War, which Mary Trump claims were based on a “false diagnosis of bone spurs engineered by his father.”

Ms. Trump didn’t hold back in her condemnation, labeling her uncle an “unpatriotic coward” and highlighting his reported disrespect towards veterans and fallen soldiers. She questioned why he was allowed to participate in a wreath-laying ceremony at Arlington, a place dedicated to those who sacrificed their lives for the nation.

“His appearance there was a desecration,” she wrote, accusing Donald Trump of “doing the only thing he knows how to do with members of the military and their families—use them as props.” She further criticized his demeanor during the event, describing his “ridiculous grin and thumbs up” as inappropriate and offensive, likening it to a “photo-op at a local diner.”

Mary Trump emphasized the solemnity of Arlington Cemetery, where soldiers who gave their lives to protect the Constitution are laid to rest—a document she asserts her uncle has “never read, has attempted at every turn to shred, and will if given a chance, set on fire.” Continuing her scathing critique, she called Donald Trump a “weak and insecure man” who “mocks his betters to compensate for his own inadequacies.”

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