Mary Trump: Donald Trump Has ‘Severe Untreated Psychiatric Disorders’ and Is ‘Unraveling’

 Mary Trump: Donald Trump Has ‘Severe Untreated Psychiatric Disorders’ and Is ‘Unraveling’

MSNBC/screen grab

Mary Trump, a clinical psychologist and the niece of former President Donald Trump claimed in an MSNBC interview on Sunday that her uncle suffers from “severe untreated psychiatric disorders.” Reflecting on his recent debate with Vice President Kamala Harris, Mary Trump suggested that the psychological impact on him was profound and lasting.

“She inflicted upon him a narcissistic injury so deep he will never recover from it,” Mary Trump stated, adding that she wasn’t exaggerating. “Donald will revisit those moments for the rest of the campaign and probably for the rest of his life”, told Raw Story.

During the interview, MSNBC host Michael Steele brought attention to Donald Trump’s apparent struggle to provide coherent answers in recent interviews. “What the hell is his problem?” Steele asked bluntly. Mary Trump responded by offering her psychological perspective. “First, just for a second to allude to something you said earlier, Donald does have no ideology,” she explained. “He has no core self at all, actually.”

She went on to elaborate on the former president’s mental state, suggesting his cognitive difficulties were a result of long-standing, untreated mental health issues. “In terms of what we’re seeing happen with his inability to hold a thought, this is somebody who has severe, untreated psychiatric disorders going back decades,” Mary Trump said. “So, he is unraveling. This is what happens when you don’t treat illnesses. They worsen.”

She also expressed concern about how some commentators were interpreting Trump’s erratic statements. “Some pundits are doing a disservice to the public by imbibing meaning into his statements that do not exist,” Mary Trump cautioned. “That is giving him a huge advantage and essentially just making up out of whole cloth whatever they want him to mean. And it’s very dangerous.”

Mary Trump’s remarks provide a psychological lens on Donald Trump’s behavior, arguing that his untreated mental health issues are worsening and impacting his public appearances and political strategy. As the 2024 election campaign continues, her warnings about the dangers of misinterpreting his rhetoric underscore broader concerns about Trump’s mental state and its potential influence on his actions.

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