“Kamala Harris Exposed Trump’s Weaknesses”: Rick Wilson Shreds Former President’s Debate Performance

 “Kamala Harris Exposed Trump’s Weaknesses”: Rick Wilson Shreds Former President’s Debate Performance


On the latest episode of his podcast, former GOP strategist and Lincoln Project chief Rick Wilson slammed Donald Trump for his lackluster debate performance, claiming Vice President Kamala Harris completely dismantled the former president. According to Wilson, Harris’s sharp approach highlighted Trump’s vulnerabilities in a way that left him rattled.

“Donald Trump came to Pennsylvania last night thinking he was going to have another night like he had with Joe Biden,” Wilson began. “Instead, Kamala Harris, like Beatrix Kiddo in Kill Bill, took out the sword and went to work.”

Wilson praised Harris’s performance, calling it “one of the best debate performances of our lifetimes.” He emphasized his credentials, noting he has been involved in preparing “dozens” of debates, and asserted that Harris’s display of skill was far superior.

The turning point, Wilson argued, came early in the debate when Harris approached Trump for a power handshake. “The debate was over the second Trump was thrown off by Harris… long before he opened his sewer to lie.” He described Trump’s actions as embarrassing and even went so far as to suggest, “The staff should have this guy in a care home, not on the campaign trail.”

Wilson pointed out that one of Trump’s most bizarre moments during the debate was when he repeated a debunked internet hoax about Haitian migrants eating people’s cats and dogs in Springfield, Ohio. According to Wilson, this “lunatic, nutburger, weirdo meme story” showed that Trump hadn’t prepared for the debate, relying instead on fringe voices like Laura Loomer and Tulsi Gabbard, as per reports Raw Story.

Throughout the night, Wilson said, Harris effectively “had his number” and “manipulated Trump’s emotional state in a way that absolutely wrecked him.” One of the standout moments, he noted, was when Harris jabbed at Trump by saying his rallies had become so “boring” that his own supporters were walking out on him.

“She couldn’t have offended him more and pi—- him off more,” Wilson remarked. “It was like she said, ‘I’m going to Mar-a-Lago to burn the place to the ground.’”

Wilson concluded by addressing what he saw as a deeper issue with Trump. “It was astounding, once again, to watch a former president talk about this country like he hates it. And folks, he does. He failed in this debate because he does not love America. He loves only himself. And that narcissism… last night, you saw where it went: right off a cliff for Donald Trump.”

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