Kamala Harris Campaign Mocks Trump After Bizarre Claims in Dr. Phil Interview: ‘If Jesus Counted the Votes, I’d Win California’

 Kamala Harris Campaign Mocks Trump After Bizarre Claims in Dr. Phil Interview: ‘If Jesus Counted the Votes, I’d Win California’

Source: Bloomberg

The campaign for Kamala Harris took a swipe at Donald Trump following his recent sit-down with former daytime television psychologist “Dr. Phil” McGraw, where the former president made some outlandish claims, including the suggestion that he could win California — but only if Jesus was counting the votes.

In the hour-long interview, posted on Dr. Phil’s X account, Trump recounted a variety of topics, including a harrowing experience in Butler, Pennsylvania, that he described as an assassination attempt. When asked if the incident had changed him as a person, Trump sidestepped the question, instead emphasizing the dangers of being president.

“Being president is a dangerous job,” Trump asserted. “Much more dangerous than being a race car driver or anything — it’s probably the most dangerous profession if you think about it. Just go up and down the list.”

Trump shared that he hadn’t fully realized “how dangerous” the presidency could be until Secret Service agents warned him not to stand in certain areas, particularly during a visit to the Arizona border. He remarked on the potential threats posed by modern weapons, describing the presidency as both a “great job” and an “interesting job” where one can “do so much good,” despite its dangers.

The interview then shifted to Trump’s well-worn attacks on his Democratic opponents, labeling them as Marxists, though he admitted that his knowledge of them was limited to what he had seen on TV and read about.

Trump also used the platform to rail against mail-in voting when McGraw asked if Republicans would focus on beating Democrats at the ballot box or simply complain about it. “It shouldn’t be allowed,” Trump said, arguing that Republicans have a tradition of voting in person, which he described as a “beautiful thing.”

He then baselessly claimed that Democrats “play a different game” with tactics like ballot harvesting and alleged that in California, some people receive multiple ballots. Trump argued that despite large crowds at his events in California, Republicans are unfairly marked as losers in the state.

“I guarantee if Jesus came down and was the vote counter I would win California, ok?” Trump declared. “If we had an honest vote counter — a really honest vote counter — I’d do great with the Hispanics. Great. At a level that no Republican’s ever done.” California, a reliably Democratic stronghold, last voted for a Republican president in 1988. In the 2020 election, Joe Biden won with about 64 percent of the vote.

The Harris campaign quickly responded to Trump’s interview, mocking his appearance. “If anyone knows how to handle unwell, unstable, rambling guests it’s Dr. Phil,” the campaign quipped on Tuesday night. “His guest tonight was no exception.” The campaign continued, noting that with Trump’s microphone unmuted by his “handlers, Donald Trump reached a level of delusion difficult for even Dr. Phil to diagnose.”

They also pointed out that after exhausting his usual “therapy sessions” with Sean Hannity, Trump had turned to Dr. Phil to continue his trademark act of complaining about his own problems.

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