Kamala Harris Campaign Criticizes ABC News Debate Rules, Claims Disadvantage Against Trump

 Kamala Harris Campaign Criticizes ABC News Debate Rules, Claims Disadvantage Against Trump


Vice President Kamala Harris’ campaign has raised concerns over ABC News‘ debate rules, arguing that the format will leave her “fundamentally disadvantaged” against former President Donald Trump. In a letter obtained by CNN’s M.J. Lee, Harris’ team expressed dissatisfaction with the debate structure, specifically regarding the use of muted microphones, a condition previously negotiated by President Joe Biden.

“Vice President Harris, a former prosecutor, will be fundamentally disadvantaged by this format, which will serve to shield Donald Trump from direct exchanges with the Vice President,” the letter stated.

The issue stems from the decision to mute microphones during certain portions of the debate, a move Harris’ team opposes. According to reports, Harris would prefer a more open format without interruptions, while Trump’s campaign has insisted that his microphone be muted while Harris speaks. The debate over the rules had been a sticking point between the two campaigns.

Lee, CNN’s senior White House correspondent, noted that the microphone muting “had been the final hang-up” between the Harris and Trump campaigns. Despite their concerns, Harris’ team acknowledged the risk of Trump skipping the debate altogether if the format is not to his liking. “Notwithstanding our concerns, we understand that Donald Trump is a risk of skipping the debate altogether, as he has threatened to do previously if we do not accede to his preferred format. We do not want to jeopardize the debate,” the letter explained.

In response, ABC News agreed to manage potential moments of significant cross-talk by unmuting the microphones as necessary, providing a compromise between the two camps. Additionally, Lee reported that pool reporters would be present in the room during the debate, ensuring that any notable exchanges between Harris and Trump not picked up by the microphones could still be reported.

The letter underscores the tense negotiations between the campaigns as both sides prepare for what could be a pivotal debate. Harris’ team remains concerned that the current format could unfairly benefit Trump by limiting the potential for direct exchanges, a key feature they believe is essential for a meaningful debate.

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