Jorge Ramos Shifts Spotlight to Himself in Commentary on Trump-Televisa Interview

 Jorge Ramos Shifts Spotlight to Himself in Commentary on Trump-Televisa Interview

Photo credit: ABC News

Univision senior anchor and Special Editorial Advisor to the CEO, Jorge Ramos, has recently weighed in on the Televisa interview with former President Donald Trump, predictably making the commentary all about himself. Despite the interview taking place almost three weeks ago, Ramos chose a holiday weekend to share his thoughts on his website, prompting questions about the timing and potential media interest.

Ramos’ column, titled “The Danger of Not Confronting Trump,” takes a peculiar approach by quickly centering the narrative around his own experiences. He addresses the criticisms Univision faced after airing the interview, emphasizing the need to clarify his perspective and distance himself from the controversy.

The column delves into Ramos’ history with Trump, recounting an incident in 2015 when Trump had him expelled from a news conference in Iowa. Ramos contends that Trump would never have granted him an interview due to their tumultuous history. Critics argue that Ramos’ intention in approaching Trump was more about creating a confrontational spectacle than seeking genuine answers.

The piece criticizes Univision’s news division for not handling the Mar-a-Lago interview, attributing it to Ramos being the public face of a network known for aligning with Democratic viewpoints. The narrative surrounding the Televisa interview is questioned, with Ramos accused of using his editorial independence to promote a particular ideological agenda.

Ramos is also scrutinized for his editorial history, accused of pushing extreme ideologies, and racial demagoguery, and using his platform to advocate for specific issues, particularly immigration. While claiming to uphold journalistic principles, Ramos is accused of selectively applying them, making immigration the focal point of his tough questions while regurgitating Democratic talking points on other issues.

The column concludes with Ramos expressing gratitude for 39 years of journalistic freedom at Univision, hinting at the possibility of leaving. Critics suggest that Ramos’ departure may be an opportunity for a necessary overhaul at Univision, encouraging Televisa to consider parting ways with the anchor.

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