Jean-Pierre Pushes Back on Doocy’s Border Patrol Question, Defends Biden’s Policies

 Jean-Pierre Pushes Back on Doocy’s Border Patrol Question, Defends Biden’s Policies

Evan Vucci/AP Photo

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre swiftly responded to a pointed question from Fox News’ Peter Doocy during a Monday press briefing, where he questioned the administration’s commitment to border security funding.

Doocy raised the issue of recent ads by Vice President Kamala Harris, highlighting her support for increasing Border Patrol funding. He pressed Jean-Pierre on why Harris wasn’t taking immediate action to secure the resources the Border Patrol needed.

“She’s now promising to hire thousands more border agents than there are now under President Biden,” Doocy remarked. “How long have you known that Vice President Harris does not think the president is effective in his border policy?”

Jean-Pierre quickly countered, dismissing Doocy’s insinuation. “You’re making a huge jump,” she said. “She did not say this. This is something you are assuming.” Despite Jean-Pierre’s pushback, Doocy continued to press the issue. “If President Biden is doing such a good job, why do they need more agents?” he asked, told Fox News.

Jean-Pierre responded firmly, defending the administration’s stance. “The president does want more Border Patrol agents,” she explained, referencing President Biden’s support for a bipartisan immigration deal earlier this year that would have significantly increased funding for the Border Patrol. “You know who’s getting in the way? Republicans in Congress, they’re getting in the way. Do you know who else is getting in the way? The former president, Donald Trump. He’s getting in the way. I mean, there’s no daylight here.”

Jean-Pierre’s sharp response underscored the administration’s ongoing efforts to secure the border while also highlighting the obstacles posed by opposition within Congress and from former President Trump. The exchange served as a defense of the administration’s border policies and a rebuttal to criticisms suggesting a lack of effectiveness.

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