J.D. Vance Dismisses Criticism Over VP Pick: “I Take Their Criticism as a Badge of Honor”

 J.D. Vance Dismisses Criticism Over VP Pick: “I Take Their Criticism as a Badge of Honor”

(Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)

Republican vice-presidential candidate J.D. Vance defended Donald Trump’s decision to choose him as a running mate during a Sunday interview on Fox News. Despite some Republicans expressing dissatisfaction with the selection, Vance stood firm in his belief that he was the right choice.

Host Maria Bartiromo addressed the controversy head-on. “You’ve got a lot of people talking about you on both the Democrat side and the Republican side,” Bartiromo noted. “You’ve heard the chatter. Some people are saying you were the wrong pick for Trump’s running mate. What are you doing about it?”

Vance responded confidently, yet succinctly. “Look, I recognize that there are a lot of folks, even in the GOP establishment, certainly on the far left, who don’t like the fact that Donald Trump picked me,” he said. “I actually take their criticism as a badge of honor.”

He continued, “Of course, the media is going to attack the people they fear the most. The media is going to attack the people, I think, who can most effectively bring President Trump’s message to a broader swath of the electorate, and I don’t come from inside the beltway, Maria.” Bartiromo then highlighted the Democrats’ characterization of Vance as “weird,” asking for his reaction to this new line of attack, told The Hill.

Vance dismissed these claims, attributing them to projection. “I think that it’s a lot of projection, frankly, Maria, from people who want to give transgender hormones to nine-year-old kids and want biological males to play in women’s sports,” he replied. “They can call me whatever they want to. The middle school taunts don’t bother me.”

Vance’s interview underscores his strategy of embracing criticism as validation of his outsider status and commitment to Trump’s agenda. By positioning himself against both GOP establishment figures and Democratic critics, Vance aims to appeal to Trump’s base as a candidate unafraid to challenge the status quo.

As the campaign progresses, the effectiveness of Vance’s approach will be tested. His ability to deflect criticism and maintain focus on core campaign messages will be crucial in rallying support among voters who resonate with Trump’s populist themes. Whether this strategy can overcome internal party dissent and Democratic opposition remains to be seen, but Vance’s confidence suggests he is prepared for the battle ahead.

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