Ivanka Trump Clashes with Reporter Over Father’s Controversial Comments

 Ivanka Trump Clashes with Reporter Over Father’s Controversial Comments

Drew Angerer/Getty Images

During the 2016 election, Ivanka Trump often faced challenging questions regarding her father’s contentious remarks. A notable incident occurred during an interview with Cosmopolitan, where journalist Prachi Gupta questioned her about Donald Trump’s past statements on childcare and maternity leave. This led to a tense exchange and an abrupt end to the interview, particularly stemming from a 2004 comment where Donald Trump described pregnancy as a business inconvenience, as reported by Business Insider.

Gupta asked, “In 2004, Donald Trump said that pregnancy is an inconvenient thing for a business. It’s surprising to see this policy from him today. Can you talk a little bit about those comments, and perhaps what has changed?” Ivanka responded, “So I think that you have a lot of negativity in these questions, and I think my father has put forth a very comprehensive and really revolutionary plan to deal with a lot of issues. So I don’t know how useful it is to spend too much time with you on this if you’re going to make a comment like that.”

Ivanka defended her father’s record, saying, “My father obviously has a track record of decades of employing women at every level of his company, and supporting women, and supporting them in their professional capacity, and enabling them to thrive outside of the office and within. To imply otherwise is an unfair characterization of his track record and his support of professional women.”

She continued, “So the policies at our company reflect that, and the diversity of our workforce, from a gender perspective, and in all perspectives, reflects that. So my father has been a great advocate for the women in the workforce, and that’s part of why he recognized that reform is so necessary,” as reported by Cosmopolitan.

Gupta responded, “I would like to say that I’m sorry the questions — you’re finding them negative, but it is relevant that a presidential candidate made those comments, so I’m just following up.” Ivanka retorted, “Well, you said he made those comments. I don’t know that he said those comments.” Gupta clarified that the comments were from a 2004 NBC interview, adding, “I definitely did not make that up. I do want to talk to you a little bit beyond the plan, as well—” before Ivanka interjected.

“…I think he put forth a really incredible plan that has pushed the boundaries of what anyone else is talking about,” Ivanka said. “He really took ownership of this issue, and I really applaud him for doing that. I hope that, regardless of what your political viewpoint is, this should be celebrated,” she added.

When Gupta inquired about funding for Donald Trump’s costly policy proposals, Ivanka confidently stated that the Trump campaign’s tax reform plan would cover all expenses. She then ended the interview, saying, “I’m going to jump off, I have to run. I apologize.” Later, Ivanka tweeted, “@Cosmopolitan, your readers do & should care about issues impacting women & children. Keep the focus where it belongs—advocating change.”

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