“She’s Made a Career Out of Begging for Handouts” GOP Attacks on Kamala Harris Intensify

 “She’s Made a Career Out of Begging for Handouts” GOP Attacks on Kamala Harris Intensify

Jim Watson | AFP | Getty Images

As Republicans pivot to a new 2024 presidential campaign strategy following President Joe Biden’s announcement on Sunday that he is ending his reelection bid and endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris, some right-wing pundits are hitting below the belt. Harris is now the presumptive Democratic nominee, and GOP leaders have quickly ramped up their attacks.

On Monday, Rep. Tim Burchett (TN) called Harris “a [Diversity, equity, and inclusion] hire,” while others in his party insinuated that her success was achieved through less honorable means. Matt Walsh, a far-right social media influencer, wrote on X: “Kamala Harris got her start in politics by sleeping with Willie Brown. She became Vice President because Biden needed a non-white female on the ticket. Now she likely becomes the Democratic nominee for president because the guy at the top of the ticket has dementia. She’s made a career out of begging for handouts from powerful men. A thoroughly unimpressive human being.”

This perspective sparked significant backlash. Veteran author and journalist Dr. Naomi Wolf responded, “This kind of sexist take from Republican men will not play well. Swing voters who are women are up for grabs, the Trump/Vance ticket needs them, and ‘she slept her way to the top’ just repels many women and is not an argument.”

Former Fox News host Megyn Kelly countered Wolf’s view, writing, “Disagree. She actually did sleep her way into and upwards in California politics and most women (and men) may learn that and see it for what it is: evidence of an unqualified political aspirant getting ahead based on something other than merit. It’s relevant, and fair game.”

Journalist Justin Baragona added to the controversy by highlighting Kelly’s own past experiences. “In her 2016 memoir, where she also recounted Roger Ailes’ sexual harassment, Megyn Kelly fumed over the rumors she had an affair with Brit Hume: ‘I hated that people might think I was getting ahead by sleeping my way to the top.’ Now she’s out here slut-shaming Kamala Harris,” he commented.

As the 2024 election approaches, the narrative around Harris’s candidacy will likely continue to be a point of contention. The GOP’s strategy appears to be focused on discrediting her qualifications and legitimacy, a tactic that could backfire by alienating key voter demographics, particularly women.

The Trump campaign, now recalibrating after Biden’s exit, faces the challenge of redefining its message and strategy. As political dynamics shift, the effectiveness of these attacks remains to be seen. Will they resonate with voters or repel them, as Dr. Wolf suggests? The unfolding political drama sets the stage for a contentious and closely watched election cycle.

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