Eric Trump Claims Father’s Election Was “Divine Intervention” at Prayer Event Guiding Him Every Single Day

 Eric Trump Claims Father’s Election Was “Divine Intervention” at Prayer Event Guiding Him Every Single Day

AP Photo/Mary Altaffer

Several members of former President Donald Trump’s inner circle, including his son Eric Trump, Eric’s wife Lara Trump, and family attorney Alina Habba, attended a ‘Night of Prayer for the Trump Family and the Nation’ Livestream event hosted by self-proclaimed prophet Amanda Grace in January.

Eric Trump’s remarks at the event, praising his father, stirred significant controversy on social media. During the event, Eric Trump attributed his father’s political success to divine intervention. He said, “I think he’s created the greatest political movement in history.

And I really do believe that someone, something is looking down and guiding him every single day because there’s no way in the world he could have been where he is today without the intervention of God. I feel it. I know it. I really do believe that there’s divine intervention there. I think somebody was guiding him. He’s a remarkable father.”

The Intellectualist tweeted a clip of Eric’s comments, captioning it: “Eric Trump: My father was elected due to ‘divine intervention’. God is ‘looking down and guiding him every single day.’ @RightWingWatch — The Intellectualist (@highbrow_nobrow) July 5, 2024.”

The response on social media was swift and divided. One user on X wrote, “I can’t speak for God as a Christian, but I can say God doesn’t support people who are criminals, thieves, sexual predators, or who attack others just because they lost.” Another criticized the remarks as a “God Complex,” adding, “Were these kids abused or something… That is a bizarre thing to say! Or is he making the case that his Father was chosen by God to rule the United States? I think the truth is Trump might have a God complex!”

Drawing a historical parallel, a person argued, “Goebbels’ speeches and writings frequently suggested that Hitler’s rise to power and the success of the Nazi movement were not merely political phenomena but were guided by divine intervention.” Another critic quipped, “God is keeping an eye on Donald Trump, alright, and it isn’t to make sure he gets into heaven. It’s to make sure he doesn’t.”

Adding to the controversy, Donald Trump once retweeted a message comparing him to Jesus, citing the Bible text Psalm 109:3-8. According to Newsweek, he wrote, “They have also surrounded me with words of hatred and fought against me without a cause. In return for my love, they are my accusers, But I give myself to prayer. Thus they have rewarded me evil for good, and hatred for my love. Set a wicked man over him, and let an accuser stand at his right hand.

When he is judged, let him be found guilty, And let his prayer become sin. Let his days be few, And let another take his office.” The contentious remarks by Eric Trump have further fueled the ongoing debate about the role of faith in politics and the extent to which political figures invoke divine support for their actions and beliefs.

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