Ann Coulter Shocks with Harsh Critique of Trump, Yet Promises to Vote for Him Again

 Ann Coulter Shocks with Harsh Critique of Trump, Yet Promises to Vote for Him Again

Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Theo Wargo

Ann Coulter, once a fervent supporter of Donald Trump, has made waves with a startling statement that left many in disbelief. Earlier this year, when asked by a Twitter user what Trump should do to “help take America back,” Coulter responded with a grim suggestion: “Maybe he could die?”

This stark comment is a far cry from the enthusiastic support Coulter showed Trump during his 2016 presidential campaign. Back then, Coulter was one of the most vocal advocates for Trump in conservative media, even writing the book In Trump We Trust: E Pluribus Awesome! to champion his candidacy. Her support was primarily driven by Trump’s hardline immigration policies, particularly his promises to build a wall along the US-Mexico border and to deport undocumented immigrants.

However, as Trump’s presidency progressed, Coulter’s enthusiasm faded. She became increasingly disillusioned, especially over what she saw as Trump’s failure to deliver on his immigration promises. The border wall, a cornerstone of his campaign, remained incomplete, and his administration’s handling of issues like the DREAM Act left Coulter feeling betrayed. By 2018, she had publicly turned against Trump, labelling herself a “former Trumper.”

Coulter’s criticism of Trump has only intensified since then. She has repeatedly attacked him for what she views as a weak stance on immigration, calling him the “biggest wimp ever to serve” and describing him as a “gigantic baby” who “can barely speak English.” Reflecting on the 2016 election, Coulter argued that Trump’s victory was solely due to his immigration stance, which included promises to build the wall, deport illegal immigrants, and enforce a travel ban on certain countries, The Independent reported.

Despite her sharp criticism, Coulter has not fully endorsed another candidate in the GOP primaries. She has praised Florida Governor Ron DeSantis for his conservative policies, though he has since dropped out of the race. Coulter has continued to target Trump, accusing him of failing to close the border, pushing for amnesty, and allowing sanctuary cities to persist. She has urged voters to focus on Congressional races rather than the presidential election.

In a surprising twist, however, Coulter recently assured that she would vote for Trump again. On Sunday, she explained, “If he loses, he will be running again in four years, and then he will have lost four successive elections for us.” She expressed approval of Trump’s choice of JD Vance, saying, “Can’t trust Trump as far as I can throw him, but I do trust JD Vance to care about the left-behind people.”

Coulter also reflected on her book, noting that Trump’s 2016 campaign had gone beyond what she had written about. “I wish Republican politicians would read it,” she remarked, adding that the 2016 campaign was one of the greatest in world history, as it reshaped the Republican Party into something she preferred, told The Hill.

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