Elon Musk-Backed Trump PAC Under Criminal Investigation in Michigan

 Elon Musk-Backed Trump PAC Under Criminal Investigation in Michigan


A political action committee (PAC) supporting Donald Trump and backed by billionaire Elon Musk is under criminal investigation in Michigan, according to reports. The investigation centers around the PAC’s efforts to collect voter data, raising concerns about potential legal violations.

The PAC, supported by Musk, who is the CEO of Tesla and SpaceX and the world’s richest man with a net worth of over $225 billion according to Forbes, is being scrutinized by the Michigan Secretary of State’s office. CNBC reported that the America PAC, created and funded by Musk, is acquiring detailed voter information from residents in Michigan and other battleground states through its website’s voter registration section.

According to the report, after users click on the “register to vote” tab on America PAC’s website, they are prompted to submit their ZIP code, address, and phone number. Those with a Michigan address are then directed to a page that says “thank you” and asks them to “complete the form below” to finalize the voter registration process. However, as of Sunday afternoon, there was no additional form available below the thank-you message.

A spokeswoman for the Michigan Secretary of State’s office expressed concerns about the use of personal information by PACs. “Every citizen should know exactly how their personal information is being used by PACs, especially if an entity is claiming it will help people register to vote in Michigan or any other state,” she told CNBC.

She further stated, “While the America PAC is a federal political action committee, the Department is reviewing their activities to determine if there have been any violations of state law. We will refer potential violations to the Michigan Attorney General’s office as appropriate.”

The investigation highlights the growing scrutiny of political action committees and their methods of data collection, especially in battleground states where voter information is highly sought after. The involvement of high-profile figures like Elon Musk adds an additional layer of public interest and concern regarding the transparency and legality of these activities.

As the investigation proceeds, it remains to be seen what specific legal ramifications, if any, the America PAC might face. The outcome could set important precedents for how voter data is collected and used by political entities in future elections.

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