Trump’s ‘Revenge’ Rhetoric Worries Even Some Supporters

 Trump’s ‘Revenge’ Rhetoric Worries Even Some Supporters

Ohio. | Joe Maiorana/AP

Former President Donald Trump has increasingly ramped up his talk of seeking revenge on his political opponents, but even some of his supporters are growing uneasy with the tone of his rhetoric. In a report by NBC News, several attendees at Trump rallies expressed discomfort with his desire for retribution, particularly in light of his recent comments.

Walter Buckman, a Trump supporter from Pennsylvania, told NBC News that he believed Trump’s focus should be on improving the economy rather than seeking revenge. “The way to get even with anybody is to change the economy,” Buckman said. He further expressed concern about the former president’s vengeful mindset. “Getting even should not be in the playbook. Is revenge a good thing? It’s not a good thing.”

Another Pennsylvania supporter, Debbie Hendrix, shared similar reservations about Trump’s increasing focus on retribution. “I don’t agree with that,” she said when asked about Trump’s fantasies of revenge. While Hendrix supports some of Trump’s policies, such as “Drain the swamp,” she believes the former president should avoid sinking to the level of his political adversaries. “I don’t think he should sink to their level,” she added.

In recent weeks, Trump’s rhetoric has taken a more authoritarian turn, with the former president even musing about deploying the military against what he described as “the enemy within” during a Sunday rally. This intensification of language has alarmed many observers, including historians who see dangerous signs in Trump’s statements.

Ruth Ben-Ghiat, a historian and professor at New York University, told NBC News that such language aligns with the tactics of authoritarian leaders. “This is out of the autocratic playbook,” Ben-Ghiat warned. She explained that as autocrats consolidate power, they often label anything that threatens their control or exposes their corruption as illegal. “Anything that threatens their power, or exposes their corruption, or releases information that’s harmful to them in any way becomes illegal,” she added.

As Trump continues to court his base with fiery rhetoric, the growing discomfort among some of his supporters suggests that not everyone is on board with his increasingly aggressive stance. For some, the focus remains on policies like improving the economy rather than pursuing personal vendettas, highlighting a potential rift within his base as he eyes another run for the presidency.

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