10 Basic Sex Etiquette Will Make Your Intimate Moments Spicier

Don’t be mute
Don’t be mute

It doesn’t matter where you are, every place has certain rules you have to abide by, even in bed. In fact, these aren’t exactly rules but common etiquette, which you must possess in order to get appreciated both inside as well as outside the bedroom. But today we are going to talk about just the bedroom etiquette or should we call them the sex etiquette that you must know and follow in the bedroom for better experiences.

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1. Speak out loud

Speak out loud
Speak out loud

So many times we have heard this that we should always speak up for what we want. This certainly applies to while having sex. Don’t assume your partner to be a mind-reader. Most of the time they try to do their best, but if they are lacking in a certain area or if they are not doing something that you want in bed then tell them. As simple as that. Don’t think if he would be willing to fulfill your desire or turn it down because you never know what might happen. Just be hopeful and speak up.

2. If you want him to go down on you, be ready to repay

If you want him to go down on you, be ready to repay
If you want him to go down on you, be ready to repay

Who doesn’t like to get savored down there? Probably no one. But when you ask your partner to go down on you be ready to pay back the favor.

Read More: 7 Days of Sex? You Can Do It

3. Don’t be mute

Don’t be mute
Don’t be mute

You’re not dead so don’t pretend to be. Being completely silent throughout the act is very creepy and might send the other person a lot of wrong signals. Your partner may end up thinking that you do not like what he is doing. Though that does not mean that you have to become a commentator and pass comment on everything that he is doing to you. Just some motivational phrases like ‘oh’ and ‘ah’ act as a boost for him.

4. Don’t fake it

Don’t fake it
Don’t fake it

Women have this great tendency of faking an orgasm. But this isn’t the right thing to do. By doing this, you are telling your man that he has succeeded in his mission of satisfying you when you are not even close to the ending line. Instead of the moaning and groaning, lie comparatively still this will give your man’s ego a boost which will eventually help you in achieving that climax you both long for.

5. Receiving calls and texting is a big NO- NO

Receiving calls and texting is a big NO- NO
Receiving calls and texting is a big NO- NO

Nothing could be more insulting and awkward than receiving a call or replying to a text message when you are in the middle of something like this. Seriously girl, you have to set your priorities straight here. Either you can go for some random gossip that your friend wants to share right now or the oh-so –amazing time that you are having with your man. You choose. Though the second one is definitely the better option any day.

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6. Skipping foreplay

Skipping foreplay
Skipping foreplay

Foreplay is like the prep work that you do before you start cooking the dish. If you spend a good amount of time with the prep the dish is going to turn out amazing. Foreplay is very important for getting your body sexually aroused and ready for the activities that are about to follow. It gets all your juices flowing at all the right places and things start getting a little too stiff. Long story short foreplay is a must until and unless you are up for a real fast quickie.

7. Talking about her girlfriends

Talking about her girlfriends
Talking about her girlfriends

So you two are naked in the bed and suddenly you are being asked a question about your female friend out of nowhere. Definitely not acceptable. I mean this is not something that should be on your mind right now, until and unless you are eyeing her secretly.

Read More: 3 Ways To Get Your Sex Life Back After Having Kids

8. Discussing her weight

Discussing her weight
Discussing her weight

A woman is already very vulnerable and self-conscious about her body when naked in bed (well most of them), so there is definitely no need to bring up the topic of how her body looks or feel. You don’t want to make your partner feel ashamed of their body as this may develop serious insecurities in their mind. Sometimes such interactions may also lead to depression. So watch your mouth and be aware of what you speak.

9. Fart or burp

Fart or burp
Fart or burp

When people start getting too comfortable with each other their comfort level may also bring unwanted noises and smells in the bedroom. This is not at all cool and is a complete spoiler.

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10. Talking about your Ex 

Talking about your Ex
Talking about your Ex

You are a dead person if you bring up any such topic in the middle of it. I mean you’ve got to be insane in order to bring up such a topic when you are naked in bed with your present partner. If you care about your ex so much that you are still talking about them even when getting intimate with another person, then you should probably go back to your ex instead.

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