Ways to Make a Girl Smile

Usually boys have a carefree sort of nature and they hardly bother about their girlfriend being happy. The most important thing for a guy to have a happy relationship with his girl is to make sure that he makes her smile. The most precious thing for a guy in a relationship should be his girlfriend’s smile and he has to be the reason behind it.
In order to be the prince of her dreams, the hero of her life and a true gentleman in her relationship with you, you have to make her laugh and make her feel loved. That will in turn make your girl fall for you even more and girls truly are kind and loving and even a little love and affection can melt a girl’s heart. Be hers and sincerely hers and always make her smile through these simple tips!
- Make her feel special through words:
There is nothing more powerful than your words in a relationship and the perfect words can make your relationship with your girl grow stronger. For her smile, you have to let her know how much you love her and say the three big words at least thrice a day. Express your love for her and make her feel loved. Tell her that she means the whole world to you. A girl should know how much you love her and you need to tell her that she is the reason behind all the happiness and good things in your life.
- Sweet gestures mean a lot to her:
When it comes to make your girl smile, do the sweetest possible things with her. No matter what kind of a girl she is, deeply, girls love cute and sweet boys with loveable gestures. These gestures include holding her hand for a long time, kissing her on the forehead, hugging her for no reason etc. Be there for her and never make her feel left out. Tell her she’s your life. That really does the trick to make her smile.
- Be passionate with her in the relationship:
Rain, presents, flowers, romantic music, dinner dates and stuff like that are the things that most of the girls love and expect from you, as they make them smile. Give her all that she needs and expects from you and understand her as much as you can. Surprise her with flowers, gifts, kisses and things she likes the most and go out with her. Your passionate gestures like playing with her hair, kissing her during a dinner date or in the rain or car are the things she will like and they will most definitely make her smile.
- Remember her-ALWAYS!
Even little things can make a girl feel special which in turn makes her smile so always try to make her the first priority in your life and make sure she knows it. Remember her birthday and surprise her. If you promised to call her then do it even if you are stuck with something important and cannot talk for long, tell her you will call back and do call. Do not keep her waiting and if you are late, do something special for her to get her to smile.
- Her smile is the prettiest:
When finally you have succeeded in making your girl smile, tell her that she has the prettiest smile and you can do anything for the smile. Say it from the bottom of your heart and feel the beauty of her smile within you. Make her laugh as much as you can. Crack sweet jokes, gain her attention and care for her the most.