“Milwaukee is a ‘Terrible City'” Trump’s Comment Ignites Backlash Ahead of GOP Convention

 “Milwaukee is a ‘Terrible City'” Trump’s Comment Ignites Backlash Ahead of GOP Convention

(AP Photo/Alex Brandon, File)

Former President Donald Trump has sparked controversy with his comment about Milwaukee, referring to it as a “horrible city” during a meeting with House GOP members. This remark, reported by Jake Sherman of Punchbowl News, quickly ignited a storm of reactions online and a robust defense from Milwaukee’s residents and its mayor.

According to the New York Post, Trump’s comments at a Capitol Hill meeting turned into a focal point for criticism, especially on social media. One user vehemently expressed, “Trump is psychotically delusional from his dementia deterioration. He speaks fragments of vile babble. Today in a meeting w/the House GOP, he praised Hannibal Lecter, talked about getting it on w/ Nancy Pelosi, and said Milwaukee, the site of the GOP convention, is a terrible city.”

Echoing the sentiment, another user highlighted the political implications: “Milwaukee Citizens Trump has called your city a terrible place to have Republican National Convention. Trump shows total disrespect for the citizens of Milwaukee whom he wants to vote for him. Once Trump shows disrespect for the everyday person of America.”

The backlash also included pointed criticisms, with one comment noting, “Between ‘I don’t care about you, I just care about your vote’ and ‘Milwaukee is a terrible city’ Trump really is just handing Democrats one ad after another.”

Adding to the defense of Milwaukee, another tweet read, “Wow. Trump called Milwaukee a ‘terrible city’?!? Milwaukee is a GREAT city and they will have their vengeance on Trump at the ballot box in November. A politician should NEVER disrespect a city in a battleground state.”

As per The Hill, Milwaukee Mayor Cavalier Johnson also stepped up to defend his city, labeling Trump’s comments as “bizarre” and “unhinged.” Johnson stated, “If Donald Trump wants to talk about things that he thinks are horrible — all of us lived through his presidency, so, right back at you, buddy. Look, obviously, Donald Trump is wrong about something yet again. I find it kind of perplexing; I find it kind of strange, that he would insult the largest city in Wisconsin because he’s running for president.”

In response to the growing criticism, Trump’s campaign issued a statement, arguing that the former president was actually referring to specific issues like violent crime and voter fraud in Milwaukee, stating, “It’s a total lie. President Trump was explicitly referring to the problems in Milwaukee, specifically violent crime and voter fraud.”

The incident has further fueled the debate about the role of political rhetoric in shaping public perceptions and the potential consequences for electoral outcomes in key battleground states.

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