Ted Cruz Ejected from Trump’s “Special Box” at RNC “How Ironic,” Say Critics

 Ted Cruz Ejected from Trump’s “Special Box” at RNC “How Ironic,” Say Critics

Image Source: AOL

Once fierce political rivals, Donald Trump and Ted Cruz have since forged an alliance. However, on Thursday evening, Cruz was reportedly ejected from the former president’s “special box” at the Republican National Convention (RNC).

Cruz, who has been a steadfast supporter of Trump despite their contentious 2016 Republican primary battle, has faced criticism for his unwavering loyalty to a man who once insulted Cruz’s wife, reported Raw Story.

Guardian reporter Hugo Lowell shared the news on social media. “Trump has a special box at the RNC that has three rows,” Lowell reported. “Trump and JD Vance are in the front row obviously, but to make space when they came, a bunch of people got ejected.” He added, “Among those ejected: Senators Ted Cruz and John Barrasso.”

The news quickly sparked reactions online. @compSciMatt remarked, “How ironic that Ted Cruz got ejected.” Another user, @WACandyCummings, commented, “It would be great if Ted Cruz is ejected from the Senate by Colin Allred.”

Cruz’s expulsion from Trump’s box at the RNC is notable given his history of aligning closely with Trump post-2016. Despite the ridicule Trump directed at Cruz and his family during the primaries, Cruz has remained one of Trump’s staunchest allies in the Senate, often facing backlash for his perceived subservience.

As the RNC continues, the incident highlights the ongoing and often tumultuous dynamics within the Republican Party, especially among those vying for Trump’s favor and the influence that comes with it. Whether this ejection will affect Cruz’s standing within the party or his future political ambitions remains to be seen. The move also underscores the unpredictable and often theatrical nature of Trump’s political engagements, even with his closest supporters.

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