Nikki Haley Faces Backlash for Urging Delegates to Support Trump “Trump Deserves the Convention He Wants”

 Nikki Haley Faces Backlash for Urging Delegates to Support Trump “Trump Deserves the Convention He Wants”


Failed Republican presidential nominee Nikki Haley sparked outrage from both the left and right on Tuesday when she announced the release of her 97 delegates, urging them to vote for Donald Trump, the convicted felon, former president, and her bitter rival for the GOP’s presidential nomination.

The former South Carolina governor called for Republican unity just days before the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee on July 15, Politico reported Tuesday afternoon.

“The nominating convention is a time for Republican unity,” Haley will say in a statement seen by Politico. “We need a president who will hold our enemies to account, secure our border, cut our debt, and get our economy back on track. I encourage my delegates to support Donald Trump next week in Milwaukee.”

A spokesperson confirmed that Haley had not been invited to the convention but said, “She’s fine with that” and “Trump deserves the convention he wants.” Haley prepared her followers for this political move with a video posted to X with the caption, “We can’t afford four years of a President Kamala Harris.” The video was not met with much enthusiasm.

“Better her than Donald Trump,” replied Deborah Posey. “Donald Trump and MAGA have ruined the Republican party. Miss the old days before the party got hijacked.” “I would vote for Nikki if she were running but Biden, Kamala, or anyone else is going to get my vote!” replied X user U.S. Citizens for Ukraine. “Trump is not the future; he is a path to the end of America!”

“Respectfully,” added X user Blue Lion Politics, “[you] said the same thing about Trump.” Reports of Haley’s announcement were met with similar reactions. “Ugh,” replied Jennie Pitney. Ross Carey added, “She is just a complete fraud.”

Haley’s call for unity behind Trump, despite her previous criticisms of him, has further polarized opinions within the Republican Party. The move underscores the deep divisions and complex dynamics as the GOP prepares for the upcoming convention. Haley’s gesture aims to consolidate support for Trump, but it has also highlighted the persistent tensions and differing visions for the party’s future.

Critics on both sides voiced their disapproval. From the left, many saw Haley’s decision as a betrayal of principles. “How can she support someone she once vehemently opposed?” asked social media commentator Alex Rivera. “This is the epitome of political hypocrisy.”

Conservative circles also expressed frustration. “Nikki Haley is selling out for political gain,” wrote conservative blogger Mark Larson. “She knows Trump is bad for the party, yet she’s willing to back him for her own benefit.”

Even some Trump supporters were skeptical of Haley’s motives. “Is she really supporting Trump, or is this just a way to stay relevant in the party?” wondered Trump supporter Karen Miles. Despite the backlash, Haley’s spokesperson defended her decision, emphasizing the need for party unity to secure a victory in the upcoming election.

“Nikki Haley believes in putting the country first, and right now, that means supporting the Republican nominee,” the spokesperson said. As the Republican National Convention approaches, Haley’s endorsement of Trump will likely remain a contentious topic, reflecting the ongoing struggle within the GOP to define its identity and leadership.

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