Marjorie Taylor Greene Blames Democrats After Trump Rally Shooting ‘We Are in a Battle Between GOOD and EVIL'”

 Marjorie Taylor Greene Blames Democrats After Trump Rally Shooting ‘We Are in a Battle Between GOOD and EVIL'”

Photograph: Alyssa Pointer/Reuters

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) faced a wave of criticism on Sunday after her response to the recent shooting attack that left former President Donald Trump with a grazed ear. Greene was quick to lay blame on Democrats for the incident, accusing them of inciting violence through their rhetoric.

Greene singled out Democrats for their statements, particularly those labeling Trump as a threat to democracy. However, over the weekend, she appeared to abandon any attempts at moderating her own rhetoric, reported Raw Story.

“We are in a battle between GOOD and EVIL,” Greene declared. “The Democrats are the party of pedophiles, murdering the innocent unborn, violence, and bloody, meaningless, endless wars.” She continued, “They want to lock up their political opponents, and terrorize innocent Americans who would tell the truth about it.”

In her remarks, Greene also claimed, “The Democrat party is flat out evil, and yesterday they tried to murder President Trump.”

The backlash to Greene’s comments was swift and severe. On social media, many users condemned her statements:

@AesPolitics1 responded, “Resign in disgrace. It was a Republican.”

@OmarRiverosays criticized, “Donald Trump almost got shot dead by a Republican gun nut wielding an AR-15 — and this is how you respond? You’re truly beyond deplorable…”

@ArtCandee wrote, “Your rhetoric is REPREHENSIBLE. Sit down.” In a follow-up post, the user added, “Marjorie Taylor Greene has been crying about Democrat’s rhetoric for almost a day. Then she posts this. Vile hypocrisy from that woman.”

@swimmerbr78 pointed out, “The shooter was a registered Republican. Most pedophiles are white, conservative males. Trump flew on Epstein’s jet seven times and made numerous late-night calls to Epstein. We see your disgusting divisive rhetoric for what it is. You are unable to govern—only sow hatred.”

Despite the heavy criticism, Greene’s statements have ignited further debate about the state of political discourse in America and the role of inflammatory rhetoric in escalating tensions. The incident at the Trump rally and the subsequent reactions highlight the deep divisions and the potential consequences of such polarizing language in the current political climate.

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