“That is Not True Whatsoever” CBS’s Margaret Brennan Challenges Gov. Doug Burgum on Claims About Hunter Biden

 “That is Not True Whatsoever” CBS’s Margaret Brennan Challenges Gov. Doug Burgum on Claims About Hunter Biden

[Screenshot/CBS News/”Face the Nation”]

During a contentious segment on CBS’s “Face the Nation,” host Margaret Brennan engaged in a heated exchange with North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum. Burgum, serving as a surrogate for Donald Trump, faced scrutiny for his comments regarding Hunter Biden amidst discussions of alleged injustices in the legal system.

The discussion became particularly pointed when Brennan challenged Burgum’s comparison of Donald Trump’s New York hush money trial to Hunter Biden’s gun case. Brennan highlighted that Hunter Biden himself referred to his charge as a “paperwork error,” similar to the characterization used by Trump’s defenders. She then posed a pointed question to Burgum: “That was a paperwork violation. Are you also offended by that? Is that also a miscarriage of justice?”

Governor Burgum responded by lamenting what he sees as the “weaponization of the system,” suggesting a broader pattern of bias in legal proceedings. However, Brennan pressed further, questioning whether Burgum believed the system was also weaponized against Hunter Biden.

Burgum shifted the conversation to media coverage, claiming, “I think that it is weaponized against President Trump, but if you’re gonna talk about equivalency in the courts, then we know that media companies have acknowledged that they worked in conjunction with the federal government to suppress information about Hunter Biden’s laptop during an election year.”

Brennan quickly countered this assertion, stating emphatically, “That is not true whatsoever when it comes to this journalist or the journalists involved with this program.” She challenged the governor on his claims about the suppression of stories related to Hunter Biden’s laptop, leading Burgum to question why such stories were allegedly taken down by media outlets during the election.

The conversation then veered into broader criticisms of media and governmental actions, with Burgum suggesting a lack of equivalency and fairness in how different cases are reported and prosecuted. “And if we wanna have equivalency, then make sure that we have a level playing field,” he concluded. This intense exchange highlighted the ongoing debate over media bias and the politicization of legal issues, reflecting deep divisions in perceptions of justice and media integrity in the United States.

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