“He’s Gonna Do Awesome” Eric Trump Predicts Father’s Debate Performance Despite CNN’s Bias

 “He’s Gonna Do Awesome” Eric Trump Predicts Father’s Debate Performance Despite CNN’s Bias

(Shannon Stapleton/Pool Photo via AP)

Eric Trump, the son of former President Donald Trump, predicted his father would “do awesome” at Thursday’s debate with President Joe Biden on CNN. On Sunday, Eric Trump spent most of his interview with Fox News host Maria Bartiromo criticizing CNN for bias against his father.

“Make no mistake, this is still CNN, right?” Eric Trump said. “This is Jake Tapper. Jake Tapper has compared my father to Hitler before, right?” “I saw them as I walked into a courtroom every day where they’re sitting there with grins on their face,” he recalled. “I mean, just ear-to-ear smiles, right? So understand that he’s not just gonna be debating Joe Biden. He’s gonna be debating CNN.”

Eric Trump said previous debates on CNN included “attack after attack” on his father. “And you better believe that Biden’s gonna be getting a lot of, you know, a free pass, and, you know, you better believe that they’re, you know, gonna hit my father,” he insisted.

Bartiromo suggested “CNN rules” would prevent debate hosts from asking Biden questions about “influence peddling.” However, Eric Trump ultimately expected the presumptive Republican presidential nominee to “do awesome” at the debate.

“He’s got the right message,” he asserted. “He’s got the love of America behind him, and he’s gonna do, he’s gonna do awesome.” “He always does. He’s gonna do great,” he added.

Eric Trump’s comments highlight the ongoing tension between the Trump family and major media outlets, particularly CNN. His remarks reflect a broader sentiment among Trump’s supporters that mainstream media is biased against the former president.

As the debate approaches, expectations are high, and the Trumps are gearing up for a challenging showdown. Eric’s confidence in his father’s performance underscores their belief in his debating skills and his ability to connect with the American people despite perceived media hostility.

The upcoming debate promises to be a pivotal moment in the election campaign, with both candidates seeking to sway undecided voters. Eric Trump’s predictions add to the anticipation, setting the stage for a highly watched and potentially contentious event.

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