Weekly Horoscope: 26th July to 1st August 2015

Aries : With the Moon in Sagittarius and placed in the 9th House, you are likely to see things positively and remain optimistic about future prospects. However, from within, dissatisfaction will continue to brew and keep you disturbed. This, despite the fact that you are now likely to be better placed in your job and your boss may not be hostile any more. On the financial front, you are likely to feel uncomfortable with your shaky position. With the ruler of the 2nd House related to finance being in retrograde mode, you are likely to be hard pressed in money matters. However, around Wednesday, by a stroke of luck, you are likely to get a good opportunity to shore up your finances. Your friends are also likely to support your cause now. This, in turn, will help keep your morale high. Freshers looking for a job opportunity may be confused because of too many options available during this time. But you must look for future growth prospects before making any commitments.
Taurus : You are likely to feel low and dejected at the beginning of the week as you may experience Monday blues. But from Wednesday, you are likely to be back to your usual self – elegant, methodical and yet sensual. The influence of Mars over Moon in Capricorn is likely to encourage you to act fast. You will then get busier with routine activities. But retrograde Saturn placed in the 7th House may put breaks on your ambition. This is therefore an ideal time to look back and review your action plan to achieve rapid growth. A work, you are likely put in consistent efforts to overcome difficult conditions. Rahu (North node) placed in the 6th House is likely to back your efforts to perform efficiently. However, there are no major monetary gains coming your way now. But for businesspersons the story is quite different. You are likely to be more than happy with an increase in turnover which will help shore up your finances.
Gemini : Saturn, the ruler of the 9th House from your sign related to luck, will be moving in retrograde mode and placed in the 6th House related to adversity. This is indicative of a minor setback for you. It is time to go back to review your strategy to make progress in your field of activity. Professionals are in for some tough time in the coming days. You will need to work harder and put in extra hours at work to meet deadlines. Businesspersons are likely to look for new avenues to boost earnings, and travel in this regard is likely to prove fruitful. But freshers are likely to have difficulty in adjusting in the new environment. Remain polite, dutiful, show preparedness to learn new things and work hard to establish your credentials as a mature professional. On the financial front, you are not likely to be satisfied with your position, but marital life seems to be pleasant as you will be able to spend quality time with your spouse.
Cancer: Your committed efforts at work are likely to be duly appreciated by your higher ups. You may then feel more secure and comfortable in your job. This is largely because of the benevolent aspect of Jupiter over the 6th House related to employment. But the presence of Ketu (south node) in the 10th House from your sign may act as a deterrent in your pursuit. However, with the aspect of Jupiter over the 10th House, you may be able to maintain your position even if your pace slows down. You are likely to feel comfortable financially as no major expenses are expected now. Relations with your spouse are likely to be cordial and life will be pleasant. Freshers looking for a suitable job opportunity may have a reason to cheer as they are likely to get a positive response from a reputed company. However, you may have to bargain hard for remuneration. In regard to health, no major problem is foreseen during this period.
Leo : The Moon will now be placed in Sagittarius. The aspect of Jupiter over Moon is likely to induce you to focus on growth in your pursuit, while the aspect of retrograde Saturn over your sign and also over the 10th House, is likely to have a subduing effect and make you aware of ground realities and your limitations. Saturn will help you strengthen your base before you embark on anything big. You may need to overcome odds and remain focused to attain the desired level of growth. Professionals will need to learn a few new things in their field and brush up your skills to handle new challenges successfully. Freshers looking for a suitable job opportunity may need to compromise over the position offered if you are in a hurry to get employed. There are no major financial gains this week and you may have to manage with your regular income. This may be one reason why you may not be able to save much now.
Virgo : No noticeable change in planetary alliances take place this week. At the beginning, you may need to attend domestic matters. Some structural changes are to be undertaken urgently. You may have to change an old gadget and buy a new one. Singles looking for the right person to enjoy romance are likely to be disappointed with no positives on the horizon. Those already in a relationship but have not made a commitment, may feel like reviewing the relationship and may not be inclined to take it forward. Those who are married are likely to be a harried lot. You may find it difficult to manage the whims of your spouse. If this sort of situation prevails for long, you may feel like breaking up. Ganesha advises you to bear with this and not to make it a prestige issue. In financial matters, you need to exercise due discrimination while spending money. In this way, you may be able to save enough for emergencies. Around the weekend, Venus re-enters Leo in retrograde mode. This change is not favourable for finances.
Libra : Moon is an important planet for your sign, being the ruler of the 10th House. At the beginning Moon is in Sagittarius, in the 3rd House from your sign. Business and salespersons inclining to venture into new territory for finding new customers, can undertake a short trip to achieve desired results. Domestic matters may need immediate attention and you need to make due provisions. Singles looking for company from a member of the opposite sex to enjoy romance, are likely to be disappointed due to lack of response from the concerned person. In job, your commitment level is likely to be appreciated by superiors. Relations with colleagues will be cordial. This friendly environment is likely to keep you motivated. Relations with spouse may not be cordial, owing to his/her whimsical tendencies. This has to do with Ketu posited in the 7th House and add to that, ruler of the 7th House, Mars being debilitated. You need to be more accommodative and handle the issues with delicacy to avoid a break-up. On Sunday, Venus re-enters Leo in retrograde mode.
Scorpio : With the Moon placed in the open-minded Sagittarius, you may be able to shake off all sorts of negative vibes and motivate yourself to get back to work. Monday and Tuesday seem good for monetary gains and returns from investments made earlier are also likely to be encouraging. You may gain from old parental property, says Ganesha. Wednesday and Thursday look good to enjoy quality time with family and friends. Visiting a nearby resort or place of recreation will give you the much-needed break. In job or business, there’s nothing much exciting happening this week. Freshers looking for a suitable job opportunity are likely to be disappointed. Those of you who are still single may not get the right opportunity to express their feelings. This is because the planet of love, Venus, will be debilitated and moving in retrograde mode. Around 1st August, Venus will re-enter Leo in retrograde mode. No serious health problem is foreseen around this time.
Sagittarius : With the Moon in your sign, you are likely to be your usual self, feeling confident and optimistic about future prospects. Sagittarius is a unique zodiac sign in the sense that Saturn is known for its ability to disrupt, but does not cause any damage to your sign. On the contrary, Saturn will present new opportunities to move ahead. However, new opportunity means new challenges. Sagittarius, by nature, loves new challenges. Wednesday and Thursday could test your temperament. Any ill-tempered inclination may lead to financial loss. Take care when conversing with influential people, like your boss, mentor or elder in family. Remain polite and humble in expression and to send positive signals about your compatibility. Thursday and Friday seem favourable for business and salespersons to go on a short trip in search of new markets. A noticeable change in planetary configuration is about Venus returning back in Leo in retrograde mode.
Capricorn : This week seems the dullest in terms of work and money matters. In job, workload is likely to be reduced considerably and you may feel relaxed because of this. This is therefore a good time to plan for the future. Businesspersons, particularly grain merchants and those dealing in consumer durables are likely to be disappointed with few buyers turning up this week. On the financial front, there are no noticeable gains for you around this time. In regard to health, those suffering from either low or high blood pressure will need to remain watchful and go for regular checkups while those with problems like arthritis will have a reason to worry. This could be due to the combined influence of debilitated Mars and retrograde Saturn over your sign. The influence of Mars placed in opposition to your sign may cause injury to head or knees. On the last day of the week, the most important planet for your sign, Venus, will return to enter Leo in retrograde mode.
Aquarius : The Moon will be placed in that flamboyant and never-say-die Sagittarius in the 11th House (concerned with gains and friendships). This is likely to inspire you to look for positives in even the most depressing of situations. To add more positives, the ruler of the 11th House, Jupiter, will aspect its own Sign. Monday and Tuesday seem conducive for monetary gains. Around Wednesday and Thursday, some unexpected expenses are likely to bother you, though; you may even need to borrow money. In job, you are likely to get enough time to relax, as the workload is likely to be reduced. Traders may be worried with a very low customer inflow, though. In regard to health, thankfully, there may not be any cause for concern. However, if you have been facing any old chronic problems, like high or low blood pressure or if you are a diabetic, you will need to remain watchful – do go for regular medical check-ups.
Pisces : For those of you engaged in a job, planetary alliances will back your efforts now and help you perform exceedingly well. This can be attributed to the Moon placed in the 10th House from your sign related to Karma, and ruler of the House Jupiter having an influence over the same. Your bosses are likely to appreciate your performance and colleagues too may applaud your efforts. All of this will make you feel confident and motivated. However, no monetary gains are to accrue on account of this. But contrary to this, businesspersons are also likely to gain handsomely by striking a big deal. Freshers looking for the right employment opportunity are also likely get a suitable job with a reputed company. But you may have to compromise on the remuneration. Around the weekend, you are likely to spend money on some social occasion. You will enjoy good health during this period, although there may be minor issues related to season changes.