Homeless Woman Caught on Video Shoving 3-Year-Old Girl Onto Train Tracks

(Multnomah County District Attorney)
In a deeply distressing incident that shook the community of Portland, Oregon, a homeless woman was involved in an alarming act of violence at the city’s Gateway Transit Center on December 28, 2022. Brianna Lace Workman, 33, was captured in a chilling video pushing a 3-year-old girl, Zoe Rodriguez, face-first onto the train tracks from a MAX platform.
The harrowing footage revealed the young child landing perilously on the metal rail and the surrounding rocks, sparking immediate action from bystanders who rushed to her aid. Multnomah County District Attorney Mike Schmidt described the swift rescue that followed, highlighting the fortunate outcome that saw the toddler survive the ordeal with relatively minor physical injuries, including a small red mark on her face and a severe headache, according to records cited by Oregon Live.
The girl, who was with her mother, Catalina Rodriguez, at the time of the attack, was seen in the video reaching out to the good Samaritans who intervened to save her. Workman, who has been intermittently living on the streets of Portland since 2011, faced legal proceedings that brought her mental health into focus, per the Post.
In November, Circuit Judge Nan Waller deemed Workman mentally competent to stand trial, a decision that paved the way for a deeper examination of her mental state about the crime. Judge Waller later concluded that Workman’s schizoaffective disorder impaired her ability to comprehend the gravity and nature of her actions.
Following the trial, Workman was found guilty except for insanity on multiple charges, including assault, attempted assault, recklessly endangering another person, disorderly conduct, and interfering with public transportation, as announced by the Multnomah County District Attorney’s office.
The court’s decision led to Workman being sentenced to a maximum of 10 years in a psychiatric facility, with provisions for her conditional release or discharge should she be deemed no longer a threat to the public. Prosecutor Julian Samuels reflected on the case, acknowledging the fear and concern it stirred within the community while emphasizing the court’s efforts to balance accountability with the necessity of providing appropriate mental health care.
The case serves as a stark reminder of the complex interplay between mental health issues, homelessness, and public safety, underscoring the need for comprehensive solutions that address the root causes of such tragic incidents.