Tom Cruise Skips Daughter Suri’s Graduation for Concert “Raised Questions About His Priorities”

 Tom Cruise Skips Daughter Suri’s Graduation for Concert “Raised Questions About His Priorities”

Image courtesy: Yahoo

Tom Cruise seems to have made a significant decision regarding his involvement in his daughter Suri Cruise’s life, choosing to skip her high school graduation in favor of attending a concert. The 18-year-old Suri, who is said to have changed her last name to Noelle as a nod to her mother Katie Holmes, graduated from LaGuardia High School on June 21. While her mother was there to celebrate the milestone, the Mission: Impossible star was noticeably absent, opting instead to attend Taylor Swift’s Eras concert in London.

According to In Touch Weekly, Tom’s decision to miss his daughter’s big day has raised questions about his priorities and his relationship with her, with claims that he has completely cut ties with Suri. It is important to note that the Hollywood superstar remains in contact with his other children, Bella and Connor, whom he adopted during his marriage to Nicole Kidman.

Speaking of his appearance at Taylor’s gig, the insider said, “He was trading friendship bracelets with superfans and dancing to ‘Shake It Off’ in a crowd filled with young ladies who were around his daughter’s age.” “This after skipping Suri’s graduation — it’s like he’s living a double life,” they said, before adding that “the truth is for the last 11 years, Tom has chosen not to see Suri.”

Sharing more details about the father-daughter estrangement, the insider added that it is “entirely Tom’s decision not to see Suri.” Both Bella and Connor reportedly follow Tom’s religion, Scientology, and this may have played a major reason in the actor’s close bond with them. An expert on Tom Cruise’s faith, Tony Ortega, told the publication that he “has proven over and over again that his No. 1 loyalty is to [his religion] and David Miscavige.” He said that as years passed, “it became more and more obvious Tom had completely cut Suri out of his life. And frankly, Suri may be better off for it.”

Both Bella and Connor reportedly follow Tom’s religion, Scientology, which may play a significant role in the actor’s close bond with them. Tom’s absence at Suri’s graduation has sparked widespread speculation about the nature of their relationship. Observers have pointed out that while he maintains strong ties with Bella and Connor, his relationship with Suri appears strained, especially since her mother, Katie Holmes, left Scientology following her divorce from Cruise in 2012.

Sources close to the family suggest that Cruise’s devotion to Scientology may be a key factor in his distance from Suri. The church’s strict policies on disconnection could have influenced his decision to prioritize other aspects of his life over attending his daughter’s significant milestone.

Katie Holmes, who has raised Suri largely out of the public eye, was present at the graduation, celebrating her daughter’s achievements. Holmes has been a constant presence in Suri’s life, supporting her through various stages of her education and personal development.

Tom Cruise’s choice to attend the Taylor Swift concert instead of his daughter’s graduation has led to further scrutiny of his personal life and decisions. Fans and critics alike have voiced their opinions on social media, questioning how this decision aligns with his public persona and responsibilities as a father.

While Cruise continues to enjoy his high-profile career and maintains connections with Bella and Connor, his apparent estrangement from Suri highlights the complexities of his personal relationships. As Suri embarks on the next chapter of her life, the dynamics within the Cruise family remain a topic of public interest and speculation.

Tom Cruise’s absence at Suri’s graduation in favor of a concert has not only sparked controversy but also underscored ongoing questions about his relationship with his youngest daughter and his overall priorities as a father.

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