6 Tips for Your First Yoga Class

Your First Yoga Class
5 Tips for Your First Yoga Class

Yoga is a practice for everybody, at any age, and at any fitness level. It’s very teachings are rooted in self-love and complete acceptance. If you are feeling inspired, (but a little nervous) to try your first yoga class then you’re not alone. At some point, we have all been the new yogi on the block!

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Your First Yoga Class
6 Tips for Your First Yoga Class

Here are a few pro tips to help ease any first class jitters you may have:

1. Prepare

“Give yourself at least 2 hours between a eating a meal & practicing. So your food has time to digest!” -Kelly Farina Carter (Owner of Nashville’s Shakti Power Yoga) Baggy gym clothes are fine for men to wear. Women should wear tighter fitting clothes, especially tops, to avoid your stomach being exposed during inversions. Most yoga studios have mats you can borrow or rent, so don’t stress if you don’t have one. Do bring a towel, water and a positive attitude! “I think it takes at least 3 classes for yoga to start clicking for students. Practice kindness towards yourself. Yoga can be challenging especially if you are brand new!”

2. Arrive Early

Save yourself some stress and arrive at least 15-20 minutes before your first class. When you arrive early there is time to check-in, get a feel for the studio culture, introduce yourself and chat with the teacher, use the restroom and set your mat up. Trust me when I say, you don’t want to be caught in the mad rush of last minute yogis on your first go!

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3. Center Yourself

When the teacher calls out a pose you are unfamiliar with – it is ok to look at what other students are doing, in fact I highly recommend it. We can learn a lot from each other and our yoga practice this way! While I know it will be tempting to set your mat up in the back corner of the yoga studio, the fact is, you will likely find yourself staring mostly at the wall behind you. Be brave and set you mat up more towards the center of the room so that you can see all around you during class. The teacher will also be able to assist you better when need be from this position.

Read More: 10 Yoga Poses for Men

4. Be Light

“The very first time I took a yoga class it just so happened to be an advanced class. I gave it my all and made it out without any injury. Well, except to my ego. On the way out the teacher looked at me and said “come back for the basics class.” Yoga in all its forms can be a challenge. We are constantly reminded to slow down, learning and re-learning the foundations. It helps to take yourself lightly. Show up with your willingness to learn, your faith to continue and the softness of a humble attitude. Be safe. Listen to your body. Oh, and don’t forget to tell your friends how amazing you feel after it is all said and done.”

5. Child’s Pose

If you find yourself having a hard time keeping up with the class or breathing, take a break! Do not force yourself to do every pose, especially if your feeling overworked. You have your whole life to practice yoga! Permission to go slow – granted.

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6. Hydrate

We should be hydrating all throughout our day anyway, but any time you try a new yoga class, especially a heated one, make sure you’ve hit or exceeded your water meter for that day. Water keeps you bright and energized, and it will also help with staying present, because your brain won’t be dying of thirst. This way you get all the benefits of your class and more. Don’t forget to hydrate after class as well so you can replenish your sweet, strong, amazing body!” -Emmy Poliseno (Nashville based yoga instructor)

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